What's everybody reading nowadays?

Daniel Koster

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 18, 2001
I'm currently reading "Dexter in the Dark" by Jeff Lindsay.

Just finished "The Taking of Pelham One Two Three" by John Godey.

Before that it was "Survivor" by Chuck Palahniuk

Upcoming reads:

"Conspirata" by Robert Harris
"The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" by Robert Heinlein
"The Law of Nines" by Terry Goodkind

As an update to past posts....I finished the "Sword of Truth" series by Terry Goodkind - loved it!

Also, I have now read all the Jack Reacher books by Lee Child.

What's on your shelves, guys?

Feel free to pass along any more recommendations!


"The Reality Dysfunction" by Peter F. Hamilton. It's the first book in an epic space opera. At 1200+ pages it's a mighty tome. Great read.
Chinpo - I really enjoy long reads....since I do my "reading" via audiobook while in the shop and I can usually finish most books in a couple long shop days. And I've read a few nice long ones too....how's this one for keeping your attention?
That is funny Dan - I do the majority of my 'reading' via audio book as well. I just finished 'Universe in a Nutshell' and 'Canterbury Tales' again. I am currently reading 'Why I don't believe in god'.

I don't read a lot of fiction.

I enjoy the Reacher books, as well. Some of the recent ones have started to piss me off with his Anti-America/freedom rants, though. I have less and less patience with that stuff, these days.

Moon is a Harse Mistress... I have not thought about that book in years. I may have to read it again.

I am currently reading the Dillinger book by Jack Higgins. Pretty good.
Finished Dexter in the Dark and just for the heckofit read 'The Art of War' - just a couple hours on audio. Interesting stuff.

Try some of the Andrew Vachss books. The "Burke" series. Amazing .

And the Bob Lee Swagger series by Stephen Hunter-start with "Point Of Impact"
And the Bob Lee Swagger series by Stephen Hunter-start with "Point Of Impact"

His books are excellent. Finished "I, Sniper" a wek or so ago. My Wife picked it up and read it after i finished. She liked it, but was a bit overwhelmed by all the tech stuff. She was pretty happy that she knew about some of the guns, though.
The Aubrey-Maturin series by Patrick O'Brian. Read 'em twice, never gets old.
Working on Richard Dawkin's " The Greatest Show on Earth" If you read this book and you still think Evolution is just an unproved theory , you're a very stubborn individual.
In a lighter vein; I just finished Michael Connelly's " The Scarecrow" Like all of Connelly's books, an entertaining read.
I also recently read "Himmlers Crusade" a book I'll bet very few people have read. The copy I got from my local library looked brand new, I might well have been the first person who ever checked it out. It's the story of an SS scientific expedition sent to Tibet just before the start of WW II. It's a very revealing read about Nazi" racial science" and also about what Tibet society was really like just before the Chinese takeover. If you think Tibet was all sweetness and light, before the Chinese came in to wreck it all, you'll be shocked.
Chinpo - I really enjoy long reads....since I do my "reading" via audiobook while in the shop and I can usually finish most books in a couple long shop days. And I've read a few nice long ones too....how's this one for keeping your attention?

Sorry, didn't check in on this thread for a while.
I just finished it and it was a great read. Kept my attention. Hamilton excels at taking very technical/scientific information and presenting it in an interesting and engaging way.
Now, just 2 more to go.
Chinpo - that's good to know. I'll definitely check it out.

I do like Connelly's stuff...though I can tolerate only so many f-bombs in a row...LOL

"The Knife" by Theon Wright. How their first steel knife changes an Eskimo village. You'll have to search to find this book (1955).

"Packing Iron: Gunleather of the Frontier West" by Richard Rattenbury. Fun book, lots of photos, I still haven't read the text yet!

"Reveille" by James Warner Bellah. Short stories (1962). Modern, dense writing, will slow you down.

"The Terror" by Dan Simmons. Arctic expedition gone terribly wrong.

"Daemon" and "Freedom" by Daniel Suarez. A little light on the characters, interesting books for the times.

"Heart Shaped Box" and "Horns" by Joe Hill. Reading these now.
"Shop Class As Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into The Value of Work" by Matthew B. Crawford
"The Starship and The Canoe" by Kenneth Brower
"Smoke and Mirrors" by Neil Gaiman
"Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen" by Christopher Mcdougall
"Black Swan Green" by David Mitchell
"Count Zero" by William Gibson
and on deck "The Years of Rice and Salt" by Kim Stanley Robinson
Great series!!

I'm on a post-apocalypic kick right now...

Finished "The Road"

Reading "Lucifer's Hammer" right now

Next = "One Second After"

and "Alas, Babylon"
