What's the Buck-benza?

Oct 20, 2000
Recently, I heard someone mentioned the "Buck-benza". I feel as if I have just come in from the woods.

What is that? I heard it has something to do with a modified Buck 560.

Is that true? How about some pictures to go along with an explanation?
Sounds like the Buck-Mayo 172 to me, rather than the 560. Unless they are bringing out a frame-locking version of the 560.

But I'm just guessing anyway.
The Buckbenza is a 560 with a BG-42 blade and a one-armed bandit. Buzzbait was the first one to coin the term.
It's a good, clever term. I have a Buck 110 in BG 42, and it's hard to describe just how good this knife is. Sharp, very easy to sharpen, and MAN, does this thing hold an edge! I reduced several cardboard boxes to ribbons, and a simple steeling brought it back to wow... :eek: :D
not the mayo. oits the 560, i had a thread about it a time ago, and there were tons of pics of it... search BuCkBeNzA