What's the difference between Emersons' Chisel/double bevel??

Jan 31, 1999
I know the difference between a chisel and a v grind. But WHAT IS A DOUBLE BEVEL. I hear it is still only ground on one side, but what makes it diffent from the chisel grind?? Is it better?
It's easiest to see on a Black T knife like the Commander. The double bevel means that the blade is ground on both sides. A chisel grind on a double bevel means that the EDGE of the blade is only ground on one side. For example, the silver edge is only on one side.

This is similar to the chisel ground except on the other side there is the bevel which creates a steeper secondary angle.

A true chisel grind has only one bevel and one EDGE ground into that bevel.

I think that a chisel grind can be made sharper than a double bevel chisel grind because the chisel grind has no secondary angle.