When will Busse's website be updated?

Feb 11, 2000
Just curious. Need to look at a Battle Mistress...just to dwell on one till mine is shipped...c'mon guys, need pictures...need knives...need fulfillment
This raises a very good point, which I've mentioned before. A current website would give us something to do while we wait and would be one way to feel we're in touch. Might take some pressure off the email, although it probably also would increase interest. So, when will the site be updated?
It would be nice.
My website will have the latest pics of standard models and Variants. It should be up in a semi-complete fashion in a week or so.

Busse Combat's Web Site should be updated by second or even third quarter of this year. I have been told it will be feature packed and quite interactive.

Andy Prisco, Manager
Sharper Instinct, LLC
Phone: 1-201-493-2469
Orders-Toll Free: 1-877-557-5200
Visa & Mastercard Accepted

Authorized Dealers:
Busse Combat Knives and Big East Traditional Bows

Professional Shooting Svcs: Corporate Training and Stress Mgmt.

Busse Combat Variant Temp. HQ http://home.earthlink.net/~gregrnamin/sharper.htm