Where did it go?

Ever so often I go through the threads and do house-cleaning.

Old threads, threads that haven't been responded to in some time, threads that blur or become out of focus as to the original theme, and threads that - in my belief as moderator - aren't what this particular Forum is about.

Sprucing up keeps the Forum lively and focused.

Mr Walker,

Please don't be to quick to remove threads. Old threads are a good source information in the future.

For example, the thread on the Gerber Mk II will eventually run its course but the information in it will be useful for years to come.

To keep the forum clean maybe you could consider having older threads archived.
Please do not delete threads unless the content is offensive enough to make it impossible to salvage. This site has made it a point to keep as many of the old threads either in active or achived status since its beginning. By doing so we have slowly built up an enviable body of information.

This not only reduces the number of repeat question/posts; but, the current software has a built in limitation on the multiple uploads of photo files. We are required to upload once and link to the original upload. If you delete the thread you may very well be messing up threads all over these forums.


We could always clean up this forum by moving threads to more appropriate forums. That would be the preferable solution, as it would not impact either our search function, or the imbedded links.
