Where Did You Get Your User-Name/Handle?

Well, my first choice when creating an account here was "thatguy" because everyone has to be "that guy" that messes something up or has to ask about how something works when it turns out to be blindingly obvious at some point in their lives. It's me a lot of the time. "thatguy" was apparently taken so I chose the first thing that came to my mind, and it's my username now. I use the same name on the other forum I'm a part of (edcforums).
My nickname with my family is usually "Dingus" because of the stupid things I do sometimes, and some people call me Knowitall because of the random factoids I have stored in my memory. For example- SOS (...---... in Morse code) means nothing. It was devised as a faster, easier to tap out and easier to remember replacement for the old distress signal- CQD (-.-.--.--..) which meant " Come Quick Danger".
Just wanted to thank everyone who has participated in this so far. Its been interesting and informative. It is turning out much better than I expected. YAY! I finally didnt kill a thread!!!!
Hey bud! I live in Corona, CA. Give me a break if you catch me speeding haha.

Hey Rogue! Small world. Don't worry, the closest I've ever come to working in Corona is Coronita.....which is pretty darn close, come to think of it! I've spent the last 9 years working in Moreno Valley, which is where all the people from L.A. moved to get away from the problems in L.A.......without realizing they WERE the problems in L.A.! Anyway, if unfortunate circumstance or an ill wind blows you into Moreno Valley, just look for the corporal with a knife clipped in every pocket and you'll know it's me. Don't worry about a speeding ticket, but I may have to confiscate any nice knives you have on your person :D. Apparently, or so I've read several places on these forums, that's what cops do :rolleyes:.
At the time I joined the forums, I was doing some work on my Mustang.
Didn't really put a lot of thought into it, so it comes from
a 1997 Cobra, with a 281 motor. Was going to ad the whole
DOHC, 32v, but it was getting a bit long (LOL)
Adam Wests batmobile was painted in a color called Velvet Bat Fuzz black, apparently it actually had sort of a fuzzy texture to it. Anyhow, I liked the way it sounded and I've been using it ever since, bere and on other forums.
My nickname "QuickDraw" was given to me by my fine co workers at the Sheriff's Dept. and 464 just a number
Garnet and Black are the colors of the university of south Carolina. I'm a huge gamecocks fan, so there ya go.
When I joined the forums ,I tried about five different names that weren't accepted so in frustration I typed out BITEME and it took ,just never bothered to change it.
I used to be Captain of an all female pirate crew. I retain the title Captain much in the way Jack Sparrow does in the beginning of Pirates of the Caribbean lol. Airyca is just a way to spell Erica, just emphasizing the "air" in my head. It was a joke from high school.
I used to be Captain of an all female pirate crew.

So... Does the job pay well?? :D

Nothing sneaky about mine. I've been a volunteer search and rescue dog handler for 17 years. Scout -- my avatar -- is my second partner.

And, yes, Border Collies are as smart as they say they are... which sometimes makes for a stressful relationship! :rolleyes:
A friend of mine from high school told me that I would be referred to Maurice 'from now on', and it stuck. I guess because I was singing The Joker. From that day forward, that is how it was. Teachers, friends, priest. Everyone. Stuck. Said friend is also the one responsible for planting the knife seed in my brain by showing me his fully serrated SS Spyderco Police. Got bit by the bug that day.
Next thing you know it's just gunna be bz

or just Duh.... ;)

Used to be into WH40k and the Inquisitors were the group I most identified with; mostly good with some tendrils/ wisps of darkness mixed in for some balance.. I am always looking to increase my knowledge and question those with power so...
Mine quite simple carlos is my first name and oak my last name in english because carvalho is a tad long
Busheagle, The bush part is for bushcraft, out in the bush, in the bush, some have taken the bush part to the gutter, LoL. The Eagle part is I am an Eagle Scout, They sounded good together, made it up when I got on the forums.
Well my last name is Svensen and my first name is Nathan thus I got the Nsvens and 89 is the year I was born so I got Nsvens89. Not too interesting but it made sense to me.
Busheagle, The bush part is for bushcraft, out in the bush, in the bush, some have taken the bush part to the gutter, LoL. The Eagle part is I am an Eagle Scout, They sounded good together, made it up when I got on the forums.

Congrats on such an achievement. Much Respect:thumbup:

Well my last name is Svensen and my first name is Nathan thus I got the Nsvens and 89 is the year I was born so I got Nsvens89. Not too interesting but it made sense to me.

You wouldnt happen,by chance, to be Scandinavian, would ya?:D