where to find? - Spec Ops Combat Master small sheath?


Power Member
Jul 21, 2004
I see the Spec Ops Combat Master small sheath on the web at a couple of places at or near MSRP, but would like to find it somewhere at a little discount.

Any ideas?

The large flavor is on ebay for $15 under MSRP, but there are no smalls.

I'm wanting to try the trick of heating up the kydex liner so I can cram a Busse Ash-1 CG in there.

The Spec Ops Combat Master has been discontinued and are getting very hard to find.

There are some Spec Ops Navigator small 6" sheaths on fleabay. The Spec Ops Navigator is exactly the same as the Combat Master except it has a Spec Ops Light Sheath Deluxe attached instead of the smaller pouch to allow you to pocket a tactical light. Search Ebay for Spec Ops Sheath and you will see the Spec Ops Navigator comes up with four models available, two large and two small.

I have some of the Combat Master & the Navigator and there really isn't any difference to them functionally. The larger pouch is a plus in my opinion.

Hope this helps,
