Where's the party? I have CBL !!!!

. . . . am I the only person who drinks here?

Don't make me get my camera out and shoot pics of the dead soldiers! ;)
The party is right here, of course there will be the hosting cost for it, which should equal out to any variant of my choice.:D
I'm still trying to figure out that whole instant message thing. . . . FAR too difficult when you're drinking.

And there is the problem of being a sloooooow typist . . .
Progunner, Now don't be drinkin' on the bottle o' scotch. . . just put it in the mail and I'll look after it for you.

Of course when you get it back, the tax stamp will be broken and it will taste a whole lot like "Rebel Yell". . but hey, that's my favorite whiskey, so maybe you won't be able to tell the difference after all! ;)
Jerry, did I ever tell you that growing up, we had to drive right past a CBL brewery on route 9 in Natick,MA on the way to scool every AM? I think the fumes must have gotten in my young blood but instead of becoming an alcoholic, I grew up to be an INFIholic :D

That's my theory anyway :confused:
Hunter! You've been to the promised land! Very cool!

Chip, What is Boston mint?
I propose we all raise our glasses and drink a toast to the crew of the spaceshuttle Columbia. To their heroism and sacrifice! RIP and God Bless!
Originally posted by Jerry Busse
BTW PG your PS and FBA should ship on T.

Use your decoder ring! ;)

Are you serious? Don't be pulling my chain now Jerry! I may well have to get that bottle of scotch in the mail!
Originally posted by utmts4me
I propose we all raise our glasses and drink a toast to the crew of the spaceshuttle Columbia. To their heroism and sacrifice! RIP and God Bless!

That's a big amen!
Hey Jerry, you wouldn't have a PS and a couple variants coming
my way, would you??;)

I'm with you on the toast!!
Now the question is. . did I mispell "stand" or does the "t" come after the "a", and if so, what does the "a" stand maen?