Which model best represents the spirit of Strider?

Oct 20, 2000
I have been looking at the various models of Strider knives. After much consideration, I am still unable which one or two best personsify the spirit of Strider.

They all look great under all kinds of circumstances.

Now I seek advice on which one best represents what Strider truly stands for. This question is not easy. It may even be a bit vague.

I thought I ask nevertheless.

Make Love your strongest weapon. Compassion your shield and forgiveness your armour.
I own a "few", and I would have to say it is hands down the WB. It is my favorite do everything knife. The MT-L's are also awesome, but the WB just screams Hardcore Strider. Just my humble opinion.

He who advances is sure of heaven-He who retreats of eternal damnation.
WB is definately the choice. It is the quintessential Strider. Built to kill and destroy.
Even though I haven't handled one I would say it's the custom folder. From what I heard it's an overbuild monster. That's the image I have of Strider Knives
We have given careful and intense consideration to your question and have come up with this plan:
1. Narrow your choice down to the top five designs you think best represent our company pricipals and charachteristics.
2. Buy all of them.
Thanks for your interest,
Duane Dwyer
This 70 year old soft core loves his WB.However every time I slip that little AD out of the sheath I get a rush that you hard core individuals must feel all the time. My DB ain't bad either.
WB, it's the whole reason I got I got into Striders in the first place. Meant for war, nothing else, except some hard ass training for war.
My PH, my Folder, My SA, and my Rescue DB. Oh, and my WB that I recently parted with.

It went to a good cause though.

Ryan Renuart
Aerial Gunner
"That Others May Live"
I would say that for me, it would be the Folders and MT. However, I would suggest that you keep up with Strider's work as they are always evolving and such items as blades marked 'SEAL 2000'/'SEAL 2001' and the 'Tiger' exclusive for Japan Market (because the Japs specially requested them-you can get the same blade shapes as 'SEAL .'without the markings, with the exception of the Tiger) and Mick's new blades are always making a benchmark. Then again Duane's new.......???

Like Duane said, select five and buy all. Better still, do what I do. Buy all five and get me customs as well

If in case you want to try out a Strider at first, then get a MFS (My First Strider) with cord wrapping available from Triple Aught Design, reach Patrick/Josh and the price is not expensive at all. At least it will be a Strider in hand. The other more complex design are made for specific use or personal preferences.

Am I right MIck?Duane?

Warmest wishes,


[This message has been edited by CHINDIT (edited 05-12-2001).]

[This message has been edited by CHINDIT (edited 05-12-2001).]

[This message has been edited by CHINDIT (edited 05-12-2001).]

Sorry for the quality. Wasn't supposed to be taking pictures there. I think my WB has spent more time in saltwater than in dry air.

Missed you on this one Duane.
Duane I seem to have decided to follow your approach for picking the best representative.



I'm patiently awaiting the arrival of the other 3 I have on order.

I like that MT with the serrated spine and tiger stripes. IMO, the coolest of the bunch.
I know this cord wrap thing is not something new but somehow on Strider knives, it looks quite appropriate.

In fact, it lends a certain character to the knives. I won't say it makes them look mean. It just makes them look quite durable.

A certain distinct characteristic that just jumps out and shout: "Strider."

I think Duane may be right, I may eventually end up buying five, but I msy also have to think about selling my car!

Make Love your strongest weapon. Compassion your shield and forgiveness your armour.
I'll throw in the shipping cost when you confirm your order!! *heh-heh!*

When you own five of these beauties, you 'R the man!


have spydies
will travel...
AKTI Member #A001148