Who Are These Loosers!!!!

Aug 21, 2006
With the destruction of my expensive Norelco Cordless Razor (my dog ate it... arg), I set out to find another. So I logged onto the computer and did some research. Of course I checked out amazon, ebay, and such for reviews and current pricing. However, I found a much more valuable resource. I discovered an entire Forum dedicated to electric razors. It was chocked full of posts and threads all about the particular razors I was contemplating. It answered all my questions and then some. I couldn't believe it... Then, I had this epiphany... Who are these loosers that have nothing better to do than shave, then talk about it all day long on a forum...? Its not like it's a knife or a gun, or even a car forum. I can see collecting and discussion about these topics.. but an electric razor? C'mon! I mean, there were posts from people discussing how they almost get some sort of sexual arousal from their daily (sometimes twice daily) shaves. They had all the models memorized and people knew WAY too much about electric razors. Can someone please explain this phenomenon to me?
all i know is electic razors are a bit gay. i used to use them before, but 3 of them gave up on me so i started using mach 3´s alot better. but expensive, now shave with a straight. what is there really to discuss about electic razors? nothing really imo
Probably folks some how involved in the production of said product..

Who knows.. People collect all sorts of things. Some of them usefull ie. Knives, guns, cars etc. Some valuable yet completely useless Coins, Baseball cards, stamps etc.

Heck some people collect Elvis wiskey decantors! :eek:

The important thing is that you gained the information you wanted, and they did the research.

Good time saver.




In some ways yes... I'm not trying to knock other people's interests... but you can't tell me there isn't a difference between a knife forum and a stapler forum... :confused:

The sheer number of registered members should pretty much clear that up...
The stapler forum was created by my brother in law. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. It is completely healthy hobbie. Heck I have thought about starting an ice cube forum. I think it would be cool (pun intended). Just kidding that stapler site scares me dorkified central.
Just get a BIC razor & be done with it! HEhehehe

I just went to the store and picked up eight mach three refills. they sure don't give those puppies away but then again I love sharp blades to shave with Think I paid around 17.00 for eight refills.:rolleyes:
Had an electric razor once. Got it for myself for Christmas.
Third day of using it my face started breakin out.
Fourth day I ran into this chick named Bonnie.
..mmm.... Bonnie.... :jerkit:
We had " Dated " ( read FB (hint = casual) ) :D
After seeing me with a pimple on every hair folicle on my face I never "dated " Bonnie again. Gosh do I miss Bonnie.... :jerkit:
I swore never to buy, use, or even handle a electric razor again.
I even avert my eyes in the store.
I see Trihonda's point. There are so many intricate aspects to knives. The blade steels, the handle materials, Production knives, Custom knives and I could go on for an hour or so covering all of the nooks and crannies of the knife game which I cheerfully admit that I am pleasantly addicted to.

But I get his point really well about these one dimensional idiots who I guess just don't have a life of any kind. A product like an electric razor is so limited in it's scope it's not even remotely comparable to an educational hobby like knives, guns, coins, stamps ect. But on the other hand I am a firm believer in personal liberties and the rights of the person to spend his/her life as they so choose as long as it doesn't infringe on others.

It is sad that someone would really get a sexual or sensual charge from something as mundane as an electric razor :eek: . I've had 2 electric razors in my days that I got as presents and I trashed both of them. They were both Norelcos and they were both over-rated crap as far as I was concerned. I'm looking for a high quality straight razor which is why I happened on to this thread. It's funny about those people on that electric razor forum but it's very sad at the same time :confused:.
Sheesh, try us double edge safety razor guys..some of their shaving brush collections rival my knife collection