Who can help me - which knife maker

Oct 2, 2000
I would like to put a different handle material on my Cold Steel SRK.
Who do you recommend? I am thinking about using mircata some other strong material.

Thanks for your help.
BP, I don't want to sound like a jerk but it's very rare that a knife maker will work on a factory knife for someone. The time and materials spent could be used in making a knife of their own and that would convert to a higher return money wise. If you want to change out the scales on your knife, you can order the micarta, epoxy, and pin material from several knife supply companies. I'll post a couple links for you to check out. Handles are more time involvement than anything, their not that difficult to do and get right. Mostly alot of hand sanding till you get the finish you're looking for. One thing though, if you're working on a sharp knife, make a cardboard sleeve to cover the edge and tape the blade up really well. It is so easy to get cut bad while working on a sharp blade. Heres some links for you.


Goodluck with your project!
L6, thats perfect. You did not sound like a jerk. I will give it a try, thanks for the links. This project may sound funny to some, but, the SRK is my favorite knife to abuse in the outdoors. I just hate the rubber handle.

Thanks again.

Geoff Massa