Who here is done buying knives?

Nov 16, 2002
Outside of replacements should the need arise and stuff that you're on a waiting list to receive, are any of you done buying knives?

I know I should be, but I keep wanting some of the new Spydercos and Benchmades.
I just got a Buck/Mayo...and now I'm done.

Once I get a Sebenza, I'll be done.

Then after a couple of Emersons, I'll be done.

Then...well you get the point, a knife collector is done until he or she finds something else that they want.;)

ROFLOL.........yeah I'm done!!! Just ask my wife. Last week she gave me an ultimatum. Then she saw a Mayo TNT. She decided I could get it if she could get a new Surfboard. How you gonna argue with that?

To paraphrase Charleton Heston: I have more knives than I need but not as many as I want.:D
I've slowed down some but after seeing the new Strider on the cover of Tactical Knives magazine I realized I'm not done.:D
I'm slowly starting to run out of production knives I'd like, but there are a million custom and semi-custom knives out there that I want!
Done with the ones I need. Actually, I only "need" a few.

Just started on the ones I want.:D

Done with productions. Sticking to semi-production and customs. Better performance and satisfaction in the long run. Sold all non-used production knives to fund the purchase of a few customs.
I will be done when hell freezes over, that's just the way it is for me, been buying knifes for over 40 years now and i can't stop myself, i love then so!

I stopped buying knives about 6 months ago when I bought my small and large Sebenzas...

That having been said, I think I'm going to pick up a S30V Spyderco Native today.:D
Originally posted by Keith Montgomery
Yeah right! I'll be done when I'm dead.

That sums it up for me too.

But wait.. I have stopped thousands of times, just like I've quit smoking thousands of times. ;)
Perhaps you can say you are "done" for the time being because you have all the knives you want from what is currently available. But then the SHOT show happens and you see all the new pieces you didn't know you needed.......................... ;)
I'm done. Only three this week. This is an obsession that I can't seem to shake. I tell myself that I don't get to use very many of the knive I already own and yet I keep scanning the trade and sales forums looking for some of the knives that interst me.

Glad my wife is understanding. Let's not talk about guns. That is a bad obsession as well. My 19 yr old son is just like me and talks me into more trouble than I care to admit.

I keep telling myself that I will retire in two years and income will not be as freely spent, so get them while ya can is my present motto.