Who sells the Sebenza cheaper

I became a CRK dealer over a year ago and have never regretted it. In fact, it was one of the best decisions that I ever made.

The folks at CRK are a pleasure to deal with and the product is unbeatable. The price you pay for their knives is for quality, not name.

The price we charge for these knives is a fair price for what you are getting. We don't discount them because we don't have to. They are worth the price. A real knife enthusiast knows this and accepts the fact that quality and workmanship costs more. The name stands for itself.

If someone wants to buy a knockoff, they should go ahead. If they just want a knife to carry around, why not? It's a free country.

However, to compare an inferior lookalike to the real thing and complain about the price is kind of like complaining that the real Mona Lisa costs more than a paint-by-numbers copy.

I used to use cheap Taiwan made wrenches and sockets when I worked on my cars. My reasoning was that I could buy 4 or 5 sets of tools for what one set of quality tools cost. If I broke one, I would just go to my tool box and grab another one and go back to work. That worked for quite awhile, until the day I really had to bear down in a tight spot and a large half inch socket let go. My hand needed an ace bandage, 5 stitches and a lot of soaking in ice water. All my tools are Craftsman now.

You DO get what you pay for, especially in this case. If you ever REALLY need a knife, the Sebenza, or any other Chris Reeve knife, for that matter, will not fail you.


Isn't it amazing how 2 cents worth of opinion takes up a quarter's worth of paper???


It seems that I've put my hand in a hornets nest. I will try explaining better what I meant to say when I started the post.
I know reading about their knives that Chris Reeve produces only the best, there are hundreths of emails from satisfied customers over several forums. Years ago when he was not known that good I handled some of his fixed hollow handle knives at a German gun show and I liked them instantly, what attention for detail and finish they had.
It was not my meaning to attack them on the quality of the knives they produce, nor did I comment on them as human beings.
I know that quality comes for a price but even when buying a Mercedes, BMW or alike costing well over $80,000 one can get different prices at different car dealers, well at least over here in Holland. The same is true for top of the bill hand made sound installations/ amplifiers costing well over $10,000 one can find price differences.
Even from a well known Dutch custom knifemaker like Hill Knives one can talk about the price even though the listprice is fixed.
That's about it and the only remark left is I've two custom knives from Hill Knives for trade (see the appropriate forum) and am looking for .... yes ...a Sebenza so I can find out for myself if it's worth every penny.
Cheers, Bagheera


[This message has been edited by Bagheera (edited 29 June 1999).]
Oops, hit the Back key

[This message has been edited by Bagheera (edited 29 June 1999).]
Proof, anyone? (Let me edit this to say documented side by side comparisons with other knives- no questionable "carry" stories please) I would find it interesting regardless of outcome, but not enough to pay to read about it in cyberspace.


[This message has been edited by Jedi Knife (edited 29 June 1999).]
Dear Jackyl and Clyde, Just wanted to say I did not mean to sound harsh...All of us probably had trouble shelling out the price for a Sebenza, after all you can buy atleast two great knives for the price of one Sebenza. But, what does happen when you buy one is you quickly understand that this is the knife you've always wanted.(why didn't I do this sooner) Its beauty and function just don't seem to wear off. Kinda like finding that perfect knife we all search for
And the price becomes immaterial. Very few knives tempt you to buy another of the same!
Don't feel you have opened a hornets nest! You will find Chris Reeve Knife owners hold a very high loyalty. And this is I'm sure not by accident. A great product in every aspect. An exspensive knife you won't want to keep put away!
Sincerely Bart

[This message has been edited by Bartman (edited 29 June 1999).]
Mike, strangely, I've begun to gravitate toward the same sort of philosophy that you have. I love my small Sebenza, the knife that, for me, sent the rest of my folders into my "knife box", and recently found a small bit of knife nirvana in a fixed combo of my 4-1/2" BG-42 Rinaldi TKK and a Busse INFI Steel Heart. While I may still want other knives, I don't feel as much that I need other knives. That, I feel, is the sign of a great knife, isn't it?

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arm's reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.

I bought an umfaan, based on the loyalty displayed across the forums. Guess what? I turned right around and bought a large Sebenza. They're addictive. Hopefully the government won't find out and limit us to one.

If you always succeed at failing, which did you do?
Just don't ask CRK to retrofit a clip. They do machine neat little titanium fillers for forumites who are laudatory, but no pocket clips.

Try a small sebenza. There is one posted on the Blade for sale. ($245) If you look around you can find one at a lower price. I just bought a large decorated sebenza for $350. Happy hunting.
Confession time, I just made a deal to get a small Sebenza. I only hope it lives up to it's name, and it fits my hands. I think I'll need a large one. BTW, my new Pinnacle is on it's way too.

- AKTI Member ID# A000322

- Intelligent men, unfortunately, learn from fools, more often than fools learn from intelligent men.

Confession time part two.I bought a large decorated sebenza last year.I have also had the opportunity to talk with Chris and Ann Reeve and the are as fine a folks as anyone I`ve ever met.I just wasn`t crazy about the knife.It certainly locked up tight and was very well made.The action seemed a little stiff even after applying their teflon oil. I worked it enough to break it in without much change and it was consistent with other sebenzas I have fondled.I really wanted to like the knife but it ended up being pushed to the back of my collection and never used.
I sold it and moved on.No shame on the sebenza, it just didn`t feel right in these ham-fisted hands.
Be Sharp
Not everything suits everyone.....And its good that you realized it and were able to move on....
I just have to pipe up and say that while the knife is worth every penny in its own right, Chris and Anne's service is priceless. You want to know why the thumb stud is anodized blue? Call Chris and ask him. You can't put a dollar value on service like that. It completely humbles me, I couldn't imagine quibbling over $10 or $20. chrisJohn is right, they won't retrofit a clip (the logistics are unreasonable), but if your clipless Sebenza is in good shape you can probably sell it for the cost of a new one with a clip, if not a few bucks more. Or...uh...just keep it and get a new one

Please post a "compare and contrast" when you have the Sebenza and the Pinnacle in hand. I think I want a pinnacle but I need a final push (if warranted)
I'd like to hear about that too! I just got my BM 750 and I love it. Want to see the two compared side by side.

"May you live in interesting times"

AKTI - A000389
Regarding Chris & Anne's knives. The price of the knife is not too much for what you are getting. Perhaps you simply cannot aford it? No crime. To say that it is not worth the price because you cannot afford it is unrealistic and unfair.
I must confess, I tried the cheap fix(getting the Pinnacle) and after a week I knew it wasn't going to do it for me. I sold it on the forums and got my lefty Sebenza from ABC-Direct a couple of weeks ago. I have a bad feeling that my MT's and BM are going to be collecting dust. The Sebenza is the only knife i've bought that has made me think I MAY not need to buy anymore knives.(except CRK).\

I think you have answered your own question . . . there is not much difference (if any) between dealers prices, and CRK's don't seem to be discounted, nor put on specials or sales. Personally (being based outside of the USAas well) . . . I'd contact CRK direct and ask them to put together a package for you including international postage and insurance.

If it's any consolation Bagheera I have purchased two CRK folders with South African Rands (currently 6.09 to 1 to the US Dollar and falling). By the way the GDP per head for the :
- USA is $27 600
- Netherlands is $25 800
- South Africa is $3 100
Anytime you want to buy knives the hard way, try doing it with our currency off that kind of economic base . . !!

No regrets at all with my CRK's, brilliant knives that I enjoy every time I handle them.

Regards, HILTON