Who uses a flowbee?

Mar 22, 2003
So am I the only nerd who cuts their own hair with one of these things? Picked mine up 5 years ago off of eBay after paying for my last bad hair cut and haven't been back to a barber since. Figured if I was going to get a bad haircut, it better be free. I also use it for both of my boys to keep them short in the summer. It actually gives us a better cut than most barbers. Just curious if anyone else used one. :confused:
I used a flowbee all the time in the early 90's.
Stopped when I cut my Son's long hair and didn't change the setting on depth.
He's never been the same since. Wrapped his hair round the cutter and almost yanked it out.
he was 8 years old. We just laughed about it this weekend.

Flowbee is a very cool and effective hair cutter.
If used properly. It's pretty idiot proof, Cept for me.
I've been thinking about getting another one and this post may just put me over to that point.
Around here haircuts run ~ $20 on the cheap side.
Not a Flo-bee but clippers w/ guides. After a barber re-used a "diposable" razor on me ( and I called him on it), I decided To Ell' with the local barbers.

So far (one year) It's great. I need to use 2 mirorrs to cut the back, or sometimes get my woman to do it for me (comes out a tad better).

How would a flowbee (vacum thingy if I remember) differ from regular barber clippers in funtion?
A neighbor/friend of mine uses one on his sons about every 60 days :)....I'm guessing they are headed for the Marines.....(Wild Guess)! :)
Tzvi said:
Not a Flo-bee but clippers w/ guides. After a barber re-used a "diposable" razor on me ( and I called him on it), I decided To Ell' with the local barbers.

So far (one year) It's great. I need to use 2 mirorrs to cut the back, or sometimes get my woman to do it for me (comes out a tad better).

How would a flowbee (vacum thingy if I remember) differ from regular barber clippers in funtion?

The flowbee is so simple to use compared to the clippers w/guards. I have tried several times (pitiful failures) to use the clippers with no luck. Really hacked the back up bad.
The Flowbee is idiot proof ( I can use it) because the guides limit the amount of hair your can cut off and any one time. It also comes with a taper attachment to buzz the sides/back pretty close. I do the boys about every 3-4 weeks in the winter and every 2-3 weeks in the summer. Takes 10-15 minutes for both boys ages 2 and 4. On the other hand, I'm a little anal and do mine every Sunday morning before church. Takes about 5 minutes and I'm done. Best $40 I ever spent.
