Why do some people prefer the steel handle BM's ??


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Dec 17, 2001
I noticed that a lot of people like the older style steel handle on the BM's


I am fairly new to bali's so I never had a chance to own or use a steel bali.

I had two cheapie bali's when I was younger..Now I have a BM42
I love it

I plan on getting a tachyon and a 31 in the future, along with a Emerson Commander (wave is too cool) otherwise there aren't any other knives that peak my interest. Except the BM Kriss....but its too expensive and are all sold out.....sux being a student...and poor to boot.
All the older ones I have are 3" models, which flip okay in part because they are lighter than the 4" steel models. Many collectors still seem to prefer the heavy feel of the 4" for flipping over the Titanium models. Flipping is of secondary interest to me, relative to the Benchmade classics however, and it's the visual aspect of these knives that I like. There is also the human tendency to want that which is least available. At one time that was Titanium, now it's stainless.
Good question Dan.., and you'll probably get a myriad of answers to that question. The aspects that Bob mentioned are correct also.., and certainly many of the older Customs that are harder to come by are highly sought after for collection.

I like the SS handles for reasons that are quite common (I think).., among the "old-timers". ~~> The inertia created by the greater weight of the handles. The new Ti-Handles are fine!!! Well designed.., and I can certainly see how many folks who haven't handled lots and lots of this type knife would love them. I certainly like them better than I did when I first goofed around with one, simply through some assimilation to the difference in "feel". The older heavy Balisongs still feel much better to me simply because one's style of manipulating the knife is effected by weight dynamics, balance points.., etc.

I think just about everyone considers the 40-series Ti-Handled models a very good knife.., and so do I, but for just pleasurable swinging.., I'm not sure I'll ever like the lighter handles as much as the SS versions.

Although it may be totally "mental".., I feel like I know where the blade is precisely with the heavier handles. I was also trying to think of better wording to phrase that.., but I hope that helps a little.

The Ti-Handled models move very well.., and I get more comfortable with them all the time. I also think they will get more people involved and really liking Balisongs than the older models, because the beginning manipulations are easier, and afford a fairly quick feeling of "success" and confidence in manipulating the knife.

See ya :) ....very good question, and I'm sure others will chip in with their own feelings about it.

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"
I have been flipping a 42 every day for several months. I even flip the thing when I am driving. Any time I am at rest, I flip it.
There is no "feel" to me for the ti handles.
The Custom, the 40 series and even the three inch knives all have the right "feel". Its hard to explain.
When tossing a steel handled knife I do it without much thought. Been doing it for close to thirty years. Don't think about it, just do it.
With ti, I have to think about every move and I have to watch the knife if I don't want any more cuts on a too scared hand.
It has to do with inertia, I guess. More weight, more inertia. Less weight, more force required. Not a very good explanation. Sorry.

What set me off about BM was, the buyer no longer has a choice. You want a BM bali, you buy ti unless you want to spend mega bucks for a very limited run knife. If you can get one. Ti used to be an option. Now it is the only choice.

Being a part time dealer, I get request for all variety of cutting tools from kitchen knives to fighting knives to hatchets. My bali customers, after examining the 42, all ask the same question. When can I get them a steel handled BM bali? Why did BM stop making them?
I can't answer either question. Right now I have 57 request for steel handled balis. Guess I'll have to steer my buyers toward the Monarch.

Hope this helps. I don't explain things very well.

As for the 42 being a cutting tool, I went through seven whitetail deer and one wild hog before I had to touch up the edge. Only fault I can find with it is the handles. BM, give us a chioce.
I would like to comment on the stainless handles. They are heavy to carry in your pocket. I have 3 early 80's PC customs and they are like carrying a weight in your pocket. It was great for the 80's, but today we have high technology materials like titanium,G-10, and carbon fiber.

The lighter materials are much easier to carry in your pocket. My BM-42 feels great in my pocket and I hardly know that it is there. I look at the titanium handles as a part of the continuing evolution and improvement of the balisong. :)
As they say, first impression makes for a lasting impression. So, as impressed as you are with the Ti handles of the new 4x Ti Series when compared to your CCC's, I was blown away by the heavy milled SS handles of the PC/BM customs. In that regards, you were correct in your originally assertion that I was "used to it." It was, after all, my first real benchmark to measure other bali's by. It became how I judge the way other bali's feel. Which means it also contributes to my prefered manipulation style. The SS ones are a little harder to start, but once started, it's real easy to keep going. Just like the flywheel. The Ti handles are easier to start, but requires more effort on my part because the handles are that much lighter.

In all fairness, that weight was a penalty when it came to simple carrying around. Nothing but dead weight. (You should see all the jean pockets my BM customs tore through.) But that penalty disappears when the bali was in use. It was built, and felt like, a bank vault. It swung beautifully because the excessive mass and weight made wonderful momentum to exert against gravity, and fulcrum of the tang pin, and allowed for very easy handle rolls. There was music in the solid thunk of the handles slamming against the blade's kick and tang pins when manipulated.

For all the wonderful reasons that the SS handle still appeals to me, I can still appreciate the advantages of a light weight Ti handle. I can easily carry two in the same weight penalty of the single old SS ones. My 42/43/47's gets regular carry duty. As does my Tachyon. And I leave a SWAT Black tiger in one of the hidden crevices of my bag just because it weighs no more than one of my better pens.

But you asked for personal preference, and mine is still SS handled. I prefer the heavier mass, the faster swing speed, the more solid feel that SS handles provides. And if BM will make it with the spring latchgate, as they do now on the 49's, that will easily displace my old customs as my preferred bali.

Don't care how they are configured just so long as BM starts making them again.
Never noticed the weight that much. No holes in my jeans but I have worn out three cocoons. The new pouch just doesn't seem as robust as the older pouches.
EDC the 42 just isn't the same. Don't feel dressed without my Custom on my belt. Its on the way to BM for a minor repair.
I love SS handles, too. Titanium handle is lighter, and makes the blade heavier relatively. It feels to have better balance in my hand when playing with. Sill I love SS handles because

a. they are milled, not molded. I've had several molded steel handles of cheapy balisong broken, and feel a little bit uneasy with molded handle even if it's BM made, and made from titanium.

b. I like SS handles' sound. I agree titanium handles' silent manner serves better for daily chores.

c. I could be wrong, SS seems more resistant to the agression from tang pin when contacting. Titanium may be stronger than SS pound for pound, I still believe SS is stronger by volume to volume.

However, all the above do not mean I don't love my #42 and Tachyon!