Why no FMA or Arnis schools in Northeast PA??

Aug 8, 1999
I've just about given up on finding one....I'm talking the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton PA. area- so we're about 1 1/2 hours away from Philly, actually just as close to some areas of N.Y. state.
I had a local instructor who was teaching some American Modern Arnis along with his Kenpo, but he's run into some personal problems and has moved further north of me and I can not get in touch with him (tried several phone calls, left messages, he's not interested)...
I have also checked most websites with the instructors lists on them- haven't found anything very close....
Anybody have any ideas?? Even somebody who teaches a bit of stickwork, or once a week, would be great...
Thanks for any ideas...
If you can travel a few hours you are in Sayoc heaven. I know it's far but if you are serious why not. I would do it in a heartbeat. Maybe not weekly but once a month for sure.

Check it out:


Good luck,

Well, I'm looking for more stick-work and less of a blade-art....although I am aware that the FMAs use the stick as a training substitute for the blade...I could conceivably travel up to Tom Bolden in Poughkeepsie- maybe once a month- he does Modern Arnis. I'm not sure how much of it would "stick" with me. Also, right now I'm working three weekends out of four at the V.A. so I need to check to see if he (or anybody) has times other than weekends.

There is a person in Shenandoah who may be able to help you. Although his main art is Goju-ryu Karate, he has some experience in Serrada Escrima. His name is Bob Cook and his main school (I believe he has two or three schools) is in Shenandoah. I believe this is not far from Scranton. I think the name of his school is Protection Plus Martial Arts Academy. You should give him a try. I hope this helps. Good luck.
Thanks, I'll look into it...Shenandoah is about 40-45" from where I live, and that would be about the closest I've found.
Haven't had any luck finding this guy - found someone down at the Harrisburg Kung Fu Academy who gets into the American Arnis (that's about as far as I'd like to travel- over an hour); he teaches only on Saturdays and I'm working three out of four weekends at the hospital...
Anybody else have any help??