Winter Project for the BM42..........


Platinum Member
Apr 3, 2000
NOTE: YOU are responsible for checking the knife laws in your area pertaining to balisongs and double-edged knives!

With that said, I wasn't real wild about the 'wind' from a 2500 rpm belt-grinder blowing over my hands in 20` weather, wet from dipping the blade of my 42 into a bucket of water so I wouldn't overheat it.......

So, I took a gadget I got for my wife, so even she could sharpen a knife in the kitchen, called an 'Accu-Sharp'. It consists of two rectangular pieces of carbide held in a V configuration with a notch in the supporting handle to draw a blade through. It's wide enough to take hatchets, axes, etc., so it would easily accept the false-edge of my 42........

I really hate this kind of sharpener, as it tears the steel from the blade, but they do remove a bunch of metal in a hurry! After about 45 minutes with the 'Accu-Sharp' the false-edge was ready to finish off on a whet stone, Spyderco Tri-Sharp ceramic 'sticks', and the finishing touch on an 'F. Dick' polished sharpening steel...


It's now razor sharp, top and bottom, and doesn't look too bad either.:cool: A nice simple project that can be done in the afternoon with a hand sharpener that costs around $9 at about any hardware store; I got mine at an electrical wholesalers.


I'll get some pics up when I can hook-up with Nybble........
Thanks again Nybble!!!

BY THE WAY- I did this to my already latchless 42s. Since the warranty had 'expired';) on this particular knife I didn't mind doing a little work to it.
Originally posted by Dawkind
NOTE: YOU are responsible for checking the knife laws in your area pertaining to balisongs and double-edged knives!
i know, it's illegal. ;)

sounds like a kewl project. now there's a little more dramatic to do all those twirls with ricochet from now, but what the heck. ;)
get 'em pics up! :cool:

edited for spelling
Cool pics and idea. But yeah. What about those ricochet's? I'd be scared to manipulate any double edged bali.

I do remember someone doing this to their BM a while back though. Maybe it was sniperboy? Don't remember. He sent his away to someone though.

Dice on the pics though.
Originally posted by bloodyknuckles
What about those ricochet's? I'd be scared to manipulate any double edged bali.
It's not a true double edge, and that's why the WeeHawk and all those Modified "Insert your favorite blade choice here" blades from the old BM custom days were so popular. They still allowed for about 1.5" of full spine to do ricochets. Just choke up towards the tang and you'll be fine. ;)
Yup! What Tony said!! Not a problem at all with richocets..., with any normally proportioned Wee-Hawk grind. If anything.., it actually makes you more precise with your manipulations knowing that slop ~~> means a "red awakening". :eek:

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"
Looks great man. Next, post some pictures of the bites this thing leaves you. And it's funny you had posted this (well, not haha funny). I was actually about to attempt the very same thing two days ago. I had honer and blade in hand, but I lost my nerve as I've got this amazing ability to screw up 99% of all projects I begin. :(
I've had the swedge sharpened on mine for aprox. 8 months now, but it wasn't until yesterday, when I got my Lansky, that it has a real *edge*...

It cut paper before, but now it's shavable sharp.
I want to feel sorry for the 42, but then I look at the weehawk blade and remember that it deserved it.

Latchless, serrations, weehawk, 'double' sided bali. That combined with the benchmade name would make me hunt you down and assasinate you if I were a big shot at BM.

Just playing man, I personally dont like anything about it, but you had the balls to hack at your knife and make it into what you wanted, which is all that matters. And I respect that.
Nice job.
This is a very tempting project! I have been getting a little bored of my plain old 42. It has poor quality handles, and doesn't manipulate all that well because of poor quality finish at the pivot points. So giving it a false edge would be sweet! Although, I think I'll leave the latch so I can do a latch drop open. Can't you still do that type of opening without a latch... I'll have to practice :)

Originally posted by Shrubba
This is a very tempting project! I have been getting a little bored of my plain old 42. It has poor quality handles, and doesn't manipulate all that well because of poor quality finish at the pivot points. So giving it a false edge would be sweet! Although, I think I'll leave the latch so I can do a latch drop open. Can't you still do that type of opening without a latch... I'll have to practice :)


If the 42 you got is of poor quality I would say try and return it. The new Benchmade balisongs should be some of the best knives out there.
Yes, you can do a latch drop without a latch. I wouldn't call it a latch drop though. It's also not as fast or secure.
Originally posted by Shrubba
This is a very tempting project! I have been getting a little bored of my plain old 42. It has poor quality handles, and doesn't manipulate all that well because of poor quality finish at the pivot points...

Shrubba, I think if you ask around here, you'll find that we all hate BM balisongs. Especially the 42. In fact most of the real pros here use china cheapes. (and the sarcasm flows...) :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Thanks for the idea Dudley! I just may have to try that on my set. I don't think it looks too bad at all judging by the pics.

But was that REAL paper you were cutting!?;)

Best regards,