WIP: First Time Making A Sheath With a Sam Browne Stud


Красивы Поросенок
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Aug 31, 2011
My dad has some leather tools. He makes wallets, checkbook covers and belts, but he doesn't have any experience with sheaths. Knowing that I make knives, he made a sheath for me, and mailed it to me, thinking I could use it for one of my hand-made knives. When I got it in the mail, I was very happy to see his hand-tooled design on it, but I could see right away that the sheath, overall, was not very practical. It was pretty flimsy; 4-5 oz., and had no welts. Also, the "keeper strap" was fastened with a snap. That snap didn't look very trustworthy to me.

Therefore, what I want to do is 1.) make it into a more robust sheath using heavier leather, and a Sam Browne stud, while 2.) keeping the panel that my dad tooled, incorporating it into my "new and improved" sheath.

Here are some ideas on paper:

new knife 001.jpg

This will be my first time using a Sam Browne stud in one of my sheaths. I am open to ideas, both regarding the sheath and the knife. Thank you.
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^^^^ This was a just a drawing I doodled up in between bites of breakfast.
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Did some more drawing last night. I wonder if this will work.


I could attach that strap on the outside, then make a slit, and put it through the slit.
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Next, a keeper strap and Sam Browne stud.

I am thinking about adding linings inside the sheath, to cover up the stitching where I will attach the keeper strap, and the base of the Sam Browne stud.

The layer that is tooled is only about 4-5 oz., so I backed it with a glued-on layer of 3-4 oz. Now, adding two linings in the sheath would be six layers total, if you include the welts. I never stitched through that many layers before. :eek:
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A lining to cover the base of the Sam Browne stud:




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I would have chosen a different design.
I would have made a pancake design sheath and put an extra layer of leather on top of that with a window cut out behind wich your dads tooled leather sits.

That way you have good leather holding the knife and also showing your dads work.