The grinder is finished. it is actually a 2x90 because I didn't order 72" belts in time and wanted proof of concept so I built it to work with what I had and was going to convert it to 72" once my belts came. It's working so well I think I will leave it at 90" because we get a pretty good deal on them plus we have a bunch of 2.5" belts that somebody ordered and we can't use them because our machines at work use 3" belts so I'll offer to buy them off the boss.
I posted a video on youtube and I think everything is pretty self explanatory. The tensioner is a 2x4 inside a tight fitting plywood box.
Here is the video.
Now to add the machining, extension cord, and other miscellaneous parts cost another $80.00 which makes a total of $430.00 Canadian which converts to around $350.00 US.
I'm thinking it is pretty likely that I'll add a flat platen and a tool rest all in one unit somehow on the front of the grinder. I haven't put much thought into it yet though.