Wish List

Aug 29, 2001
I checked the archives and I couldn't find anything on fencing gear.

So I'll ask.

Does anyone know where I could get a fencing mask for a decent price? I don't want to put my brother's eyes out.

For a list and links to fencing equipment vendors go to usfencing.org. From the home page click on the "Information for Memebers" section in the upper left corner of the screen. Under that you'll see a listing for equpment vendors. Click on that for the list and links.

Buy a good quality mask--avoid any with snap-out bibs. You'll see that a lot of the vendors carry the same brands so price comparisons should be fairly simple.
I've heard Ebay can actually be a descent source too. Couldn't hurt to try:)
ebay is okay if I was buying but I want my parents to buy these as presents for me.
I don't think bidding is their style