Women and Knives: Why More Women Need To Carry A Blade

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Feb 4, 2015

Puma German Steel Fixed Blade In Leg Holster


When many of us think of women in situations that are normally a man's hobby, such as guns, knives, hunting, etc. it can seem 'sexy' or 'hot' to some. Then, to others, it is mind boggling why a woman would ever be interested in such a thing. But let's look beyond the sexy and beyond the intrigue at the reality of it. Out of everyone who should have a knife, shouldn't more women be interested in them for at least, if nothing else, protecting themselves? Shouldn't women want to know how to survive if they are alone, or alone with their kids, and get stuck in a bad situation? Or, in the dreaded event an attacker comes on the scene? Don't get me wrong. I'm not lumping all women into one group here. I know there are many women interested in these things, and more. However, in my opinion, the vast majority of women are mainly interested in more 'girly' types of activities. I won't lie, I am too. But, I ALSO appreciate knives and every day carry topics. Not only is it a fun hobby, but, I think it is of the utmost to prepare oneself for the unexpected.

I grew up with a dad who was into Buck knives and I would watch him as he sat for ours sharpening, polishing, etc. But, my boyfriend re-inspired my interest. I am the type of person who genuinely takes an interest in things that the person I care about is interested in. So, I took an interest in his knife talk and his large knife collection (and his Blade Forums postings...:)) and my interest was instantly re-ignited. He still has to correct me all the time on types of knives, patina, and so forth, as I am learning.

My overall point is that I feel more women could genuinely benefit from taking an interest in knives and EDC items. Knives can be used for so many different things---from opening a letter or a bottle, to a quick screw while out and about (if you have a knife, such as a SAK that has a screwdriver on it.) And, as a means of survival and self defense. One should know the proper way to use a knife in self defense so that it is not turned and used on them...and, of course, other proper knife handling technicalities.

However, let's be ready...be prepared...and be smart because you never know when you might need it.

Swiss Army Knife Explorer In Camo
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You've got it together and are obviously sexy, cool, and smart. Your boyfriend is lucky man to have someone interested in sharing his hobbies. I agree with you. It just makes sense to me that a lady, of all people, ought to carry a sharp blade for protection. JMO
You've got it together and are obviously sexy, cool, and smart. Your boyfriend is lucky man to have someone interested in sharing his hobbies. I agree with you. It just makes sense to me that a lady, of all people, ought to carry a sharp blade for protection. JMO

Thanks, Rebel4ever, for your thoughts. One added benefit is that, when you want to have a great relationship with that special someone in your life, IF you can be open-minded enough to try to take an interest in the things they do (it goes both ways) it can only improve and add to your relationship. It's so much fun having something in common to go do together--take blade photos on a hike and pour over them together, help each other position the knife or keep an eye open for good 'spots'..etc. However, there are MANY benefits when it comes to EDC and knives. I never realized how much, to be honest, until I took the time to listen to him. He is very very knowledgeable on many levels, especially preparedness. I am glad he informs me, and happy he's had such a positive impact in my life. I am the one who is lucky! :) Blessing to you and yours, and thank you again for your kindness, my friend. As for the 'sexy'..like most women, I like to look nice, and go out of my way at times to clean up and do the extra stuff. But then there is the tomboy part of me that's okay with letting my hair hang dry and wearing less makeup, throwing on sweats or jeans, and being lazy. :) REGARDLESS...MORE WOMEN COULD BENEFIT FROM EDC AND KNIFE KNOWLEDGE :)
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I think it's sexy because it's so unusual, especially here in California.
Never thought of a female having a knife as sexy.

Not everybody does. ;-) I never thought women with knives were sexy either..ha ha ha! However, there are men who think it is. That was more or less a punch line to the article that I wrote here though and not the main idea. The main objective of the article is about how more women should take a genuine interest in re to self defense and preparedness via knives, as well as other means. Thanks so much for commenting and taking the time to share what you think. I appreciate it! :):thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Not everybody does. ;-) I never thought women with knives were sexy either..ha ha ha! However, there are men who think it is. That was more or less a punch line to the article that I wrote here though and not the main idea. The main objective of the article is about how more women should take a genuine interest in re to self defense and preparedness via knives, as well as other means. Thanks so much for commenting and taking the time to share what you think. I appreciate it! :):thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

I dunno about self defense but I have witnessed them used aggressively on several occasions and it's not pretty (lots of blood), usually much more than a bullet wound.
Welcome aboard. It's always refreshing to see women around these parts, because typically there aren't too many that share this hobby or like knives to the same extent as most guys.

Out of curiosity I visited your profile page and couldn't help noticing that you've only just joined the forum but youve already got 10 friends and 146 visitors to your page:D So I guess it's safe to say that at least SOME people find women with knives sexy;)

Ahhhh bladeforums.......I sense a lotta thirstyness goin on around here:D:rolleyes:
A girl that can do helix/chaplins/ariels with a balisong is kinda hot.
I dunno about self defense but I have witnessed them used aggressively on several occasions and it's not pretty (lots of blood), usually much more than a bullet wound.

I am familiar. I post news on the internet and have a large news/conspiracy/prophecy youtube channel. I have seen stuff nobody should ever see or even imagine. Things that are twisted and haunt the mind.
I teach concealed carry and use of lethal force.

My classes are split almost exactly 50/50 female to male.

I believe that women can and should learn to protect themselves.

A confident, alert and prepared woman is definitely intriguing, and sometimes sexy.

I don't typically recommend a knife as a primary means of self defense, but it does not hurt to be prepared.


Welcome aboard. It's always refreshing to see women around these parts, because typically there aren't too many that share this hobby or like knives to the same extent as most guys.

Out of curiosity I visited your profile page and couldn't help noticing that you've only just joined the forum but you've already got 10 friends and 146 visitors to your page:D So I guess it's safe to say that at least SOME people find women with knives sexy;)

Ahhhh bladeforums.......I sense a lotta thirstyness goin on around here:D:rolleyes:

Thanks for your kind thoughts and words... I think people check out my profile because they are curious about a female being so active on 'blade forums'. As you mentioned here, there typically aren't too many women that share this hobby or like knives to the same extent as most guys... so it's always a curious thing, I am sure, to see a woman so active in a known 'man's' sport. I think I'm just okay...average. But, I know all of my flaws and imperfections, and so because I know them, I oftentimes do not think of myself so highly looks-wise. I look into the mirror, and instead of the face, I see the flaw. It's definitely something I need to work on and not a very healthy attitude towards oneself. Speaking of thirsty, I think I'm going to go drink a cold glass of water and brew a small pot of hot coffee. I stay up late working on my youtube channel and my posts..will probably be up very late tonight!
I teach concealed carry and use of lethal force.

My classes are split almost exactly 50/50 female to male.

I believe that women can and should learn to protect themselves.

A confident, alert and prepared woman is definitely intriguing, and sometimes sexy.

I don't typically recommend a knife as a primary means of self defense, but it does not hurt to be prepared.



I agree with you. I do feel, however, that many people (unfortunately) are afraid of guns and so the choice of a knife is easier. It's smaller. Easier to manage. You don't have to get a permit, license, or registration or take classes...you can use it for other things, etc. So in reality, even though a gun would probably be a better choice for self defense (a knife has many other uses besides self defense, as you are aware), it seems to me (and I could be wrong) more people, particularly women, would feel more comfortable with a blade as opposed to a gun. Yet, with all the news over the past two years on guns and gun bans and so forth, I feel more people have been taking a genuine interest in guns than in times past. Thoughts?
While I'm a mostly practicing pacifist and do advocate and support gun and knife ownership, I do not recommend the usage of these items unless as a last resort. Pictures on the internet of injury/death are one thing. To see it happen in front of your face is quite another thing.
I don't really care either way about "women and knives", "men and knives", or "trannies with go karts". If a woman speaks on a subject I'm interested in, I look for the same thing I look for when guys talk about it: worthwhile idea or information exchange. Outfit, body type, hair... innuendo...


... are irrelevant. If anything, that stuff says "I'm half a step away from stripping", and makes me inclined to think those go to gimmicks indicate a lack of substance to offer.

Limalife is a great example. She had outstanding content on her YouTube channel. She wasn't "a great female youtuber". She was a great producer, period. She had things of value to say, and knew how to construct her points. Instead of being a skin channel (like soulsurvivorx2), hers was a true resource.
I don't typically recommend a knife as a primary means of self defense, but it does not hurt to be prepared.


A knife is better than bad words and its not.everywhere you can carry a pistol. I know a lot of people advocate pepper spray, I say carry both (and a can of wasp spay for reach).
While I'm a mostly practicing pacifist and do advocate and support gun and knife ownership, I do not recommend the usage of these items unless as a last resort. Pictures on the internet of injury/death are one thing. To see it happen in front of your face is quite another thing.

From my article above: And, as a means of survival and self defense. One should know the proper way to use a knife in self defense so that it is not turned and used on them...and, of course, other proper knife handling technicalities.

In other words, I agree. I just want to make sure you saw that this article isn't just about self defense as a use for the knife, but also about survival and other uses. The self defense mention is only part of the article, but I feel a very good part. And yes, I only mean as a last resort. First off, I exercise, hike, bike, do military pushups, and do weights (not heavy duty weights...)..so I can put up a good fight. I began doing the pushups and other stuff because I was working in the medical industry to where I lifted dead weight people all the time, and by myself most of the time. I did not want to hurt my back. But if a woman is being pinned down and has her knife in an easily accessible place (this is something that should also be considered... WHERE you keep your knife..because it's not going to help you if you have it at the bottom of your bag or in the car..) she will at least have a chance. If her assailant has intentions to rape, kill, or beat the crap out of her, she should have something on her as a LAST RESORT so she can have a fighting chance. Otherwise, except for God's mercy, she is screwed.
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