Worlds Most Sharpened Knife

Oct 28, 2006
Some folks will try any angle to sell a knife. This is another good one. No direct link as not to get a caution for auction spotting.


Ok, if you like to collect odd knives, here you go. Blades have been sharpended down to almost nothing. It is actually quite comical. Both blades still have some snap and open and close very easily. Both handles are still in quite good condition. Knife is flush and tight on the bottom. You might get this put into Guiness Book of World Records. ha ha 3 1/4" closed. Someones grandpa carried this knife for a lot of years and took pretty good care of it, it's just probably one of the most used knives ever. Hope you enjoy showing it to your friends. Good luck
This would make a good tooth pick for my EX-W
hi, thats how my dads knives looked after he carried them forever before he'd get another one.
Some one "Really Loved" that knife. My favorite pattern too.