Worst Balisong Scene Ever!!!!

Jun 28, 2001
I just watched "Exit Wounds" last night starring Steven Segal. He is walking out of Anger Management class to see 4 thugs trying to steal his truck, he approaches them, gets into a fight and the third guy has a kris balisong (already opened mind you) stuck in his belt like a dagger. The camera man even zoomed in on his waist to show him draw the opened balisong from his belt (no sheath, just tucked in there) he's lucky he did'nt bend over the wrong way or he would have lost his jewels. I was so disgusted by the inadequate use of such a wonderful knife. It is as if the choreographer did not even want it to be used properly or had no idea how it is to be used (which I doubt because I am sure that Mr. Segal has some idea of how they work even if he does not manipulate them he has undoubtedly seen them in action) The movie as a total was fantastic, suprising, action packed fun for the whole family, My Lady even praised the movie.


Movie was fantastic, anyone who likes action or MA will have fun. But us balisong fans will want to throw up when we see the inadequate portrayal of our favorite blade in this movie.
Thanks for the review. Maybe I'll go see it (or is it on video... I don't get out much).

Overall, I've been really disappointed with Segal's movies lately. I think after Under Seige (the first one) they went down hill. I think they even sped up a MA scene in Under Seige II. Very tacky looking. At least his firearms handling was always good.

It is the technical stuff that always got me mad about those kind of movies. It makes you wonder what the prop master is doing sometimes. Like in Die Hard II, when Bruce Willis is in the baggage handling area right after the s**t hits the fan... he goes from his Berretta (switch to bad guy.... back to Bruce) to a Glock (switch back to bad guy... then to Bruce) back to his Berretta. I hated the movie after that (I won't even mention the ejection seat in the C-130)... It makes me want to go to Hollywood and work as a consultant!

I really like Segal's old stuff, even if they were all the same plot line. I'll have to check out Exit Wounds...

Personally thought Exit Wounds was a waste of good rental money. Can't tell you how happy I am that I didn't see it in the theaters.
any way. segals moves are the same tired ones we've seen before and the plot is quite frankly something that was rung out of a spit bucket somewhere in the vicinity of Chuck Norris. Hell I was so asleep that I didn't even notice the Bali in that scene. Actually I think it was right after segal dodged the bullet that I started to nap.
My over all rating?
Kitty Litter!
wow! that scene beats out the ever-infamous travolta opening in "Face/Off".

I've also been avoiding this movie as much as possible. Steven Segal is just done
Actually I thought it was much better than his previous movies. It had some decent fight scenes and even a little cable work. Even though cable work is crude right now I think the movie industry can shape it up to work much better in the future, they just have to know their limits. It was the same old Steven Segal (typical cop character) but the movie had a pretty good twist near the end and the choreography is more up to date with todays action movies. On a side note, there is a beautiful Lamborghini Diablo to drool over as they have some really good audio and there is a session of engine revving in the showroom at the dealership. I am an "Audiophile" so I may be able to appreciate this a little more than most people but let me say that 12 cylinders and a butt load of power sure do make a beautiful sound.
I've always looked at his movies in the same way I look at virtually anything produced by Jerry Bruckheimer & co (and similar Hollywood offerings). Turn off your brain & run with it. Still thought it was one of his better movies.

Best part of the movie, I thought, was the banter between Tom Arnold & the other guy, which ran as the credits rolled.