would someone like to trade a nice 9" philapeno bali for spyderco

Mar 18, 2001
i have a nib spyderco jotsingh khalsa,s/n 349,black macarda scales i
would like to trade for a nice 9" phillipino bali
Originally posted by Cannabisbh:

No offense, but that would be phillipino.

>>No offense, but the 'p' should be capitalized.
Filipino or Pilipinas

I have a Filipino currency note and it says "REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS" :D SAMPUNG PISO
Just re-phrase it to:

"Hey anyone have a Batangas handmade they'd like to trade?"

Avoid the Filipino/Pilipino/Philippines stuff....you will always be wrong depending on who reads it. ;)

"Batangas" is pretty safe <~~ I think ? :cool:

Now watch Batangueno come on here and explain there are 4-5 other accepted spellings. :(

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"