wraped cold steel bits?

Jun 17, 2009
does anyone have a cold steel tomahawk , and the head is warped or a little bit bent , but they use it anyway coz it still works? i know u aren`t supposed to have to put up with that bullshit , buts its not worth me sending them back as i`m in perth western australia.
I have a vietnam tomahawk thats warped quite a bit bought it abought 7 years ago it does get sharp and stays sharp but if i knew then what i know now i would of sent it back . What i have been trying to do is straightin by sharpening it a lot eventuly i will work it straight . But its gonna remove a lot of steel if i ever get another one which i dont think i will do and its like that i will send it back.
they had a really bad batch last year.

we sent them all back with a QC checklist and had to wait almost nine months for new ones.

presumably, it has happened before.

when they are good, they are super good though.

Cold Steel is always willing to make it right, and that's what counts to me.

sorry to hear about your troubles, brother.

Gooday mate , Well , you get what you pay for. These are made in China , dropped forged from 1055 steel , so they say , I'd have to question the Chinese when they are melting down all that scrap steel they bought from around the world if they have a metalurgist. Lets see, poisoned toothpaste, drywall , medications, cough syrup and ....long list.