Yes, a throwers forum!

Apr 12, 2000
Hi all. Bobby, your website is great. Hey TimmyTTT you sure get around the forums don't you..? I also make knives, customize knives and like them all. I use parts, stock removal and forging also, whatever is appropriate. Prsesently I am starting up a historic 1800's smithy that is totally non electric, even the structure will be old lumber and airy, which in Maine means cold. One nagging purpose for the smithy is the fact I haven't found many production throwers I like either, haven't tried tham all though. I like throwing knives but my fav is tomahawks. For recreation here we throw anything and part of the game is to be able to throw anything, competively. We throw kitchen knives, hunting knives, K bars, tomahawks, hatchets, doubleheaded axes which ruin butts fast, stars and even straight claw hammers! I once even threw a bayonet with an M1 carbine attached to down a sillouette in a combat match, sorry. It was against the clock and I did take first place. I began making throwing knives when I was about 11 years old. I used big nails and rod which I forged (heat treating?? yea right), files that I ground, anything I could find and eventually worked in a smithy and learned the proper way. My first forged products were hammered on a rock with a claw hammer and a profane torch for heat. Made some great chicken playing knives. I remember seeing clips of Che Che's demonstrations and it always "stuck" with me. Happy throwing.. Hermit