You poor guys .

Aug 26, 2005
Well here is another one for you . Zombie fans will know The Spierig brothers .
They put out a movie called "Undead" with Robyn Moore .

Therein lies the rub . They also did a short film with Robyn Moore that while striking (pun intended) has nothing to do with Zombies .

High drama . If you are expecting corporal consumption look elsewhere .
Still it was a very different little film . The premise may not be so far fetched as to never having been done before . The plot while not gripping to those who prefer dripping is well worth it as the price of admission .

The last few seconds may rip the guts out of our more sensitive counterparts so if you want a live zombie watch it with a date .

The rub ? I,m getting to it . The great gods of cinema have decreed that I must miss the film titles of all movies worth watching again .

If any of you guys have seen it or know of what I speak tell me the title . Don,t say too much about the film as people may actually want to see it .