YOung kid I was working with has a Cheap junk knife...

Jan 14, 2004
I was working with a few young HS guys this weekend and they often laugh at me for having so many knives at hand, My typical EDC is a SAK tinker, a Case Amber bone Canoe and Trapper. We were working to clean out the garage of another guy guy from the same church, This guy is a traditional guy, carries a pocket knife and all, he was trying to get one if the kids open something and only one of the kids had a pocket knife. (I guess I will have to get a few) This kid says it is only a cheap junker from Lowes, Well it turns out to be a nice black handled Soddie CaseXX. I take out one of my Case's and compare mine to his and let him know that it is not just a junker but a good knife. I think I might need to get a few Soddie JRs and share the wealth with these guys. His was a SS with Black delrin scales.

That and I need a good Soddie for my self.
Thoes are great knives, One of my personal favorites and you can get them at lowes for pretty cheap, Buy them all one and make them pay you for them, they will thank you later.-Joel
Great little knives. Even the black SS ones. I keep a black SS sodbuster jr in my bag I keep with me. I have a yellow handle CV sodbuster jr in my pocket always. I bought the black SS at Lowes once upon a time.
One of the fellows at work has an old, black handled, full-size Case Sodbuster. What is great about this one, even though it shows some use, is that it's CV! He's had it for many years. I was really surprised when I looked at it and the blade had a patina. So I looked a little closer and darn if it wasn't CV!

Train them boys right! Let em know what a darn fine knife that "cheap junker" is and how to keep take care of it. Btw, thanks for sharing that tidbit. A pleasant tale.
Love my Soddie. I have the Jr in yellow handle CV. I'm having a hard time keeping it from rusting, although I haven't taken it out for a spin since I patinized it with Naval Jelly. Maybe I'll give it a shot tomorrow and see how it holds up. I miss that tough little guy.
The only soddie I have is an old full size CV with a black handle. When I was a kid I always eyed the soddies real hard in the Case display, because it was the only Case I could remotely afford.
I have the Jr in yellow handle CV. I'm having a hard time keeping it from rusting, although I haven't taken it out for a spin since I patinized it with Naval Jelly.

Can you put a patina on carbon steel with naval jelly? :confused: It's been years since I used that stuff, but I always used it for taking off rust and cleaning up knives, which would seem kind of that opposite of staining the steel (which, after all is what you're doing when you "patinize").
Can you put a patina on carbon steel with naval jelly? :confused: It's been years since I used that stuff, but I always used it for taking off rust and cleaning up knives, which would seem kind of that opposite of staining the steel (which, after all is what you're doing when you "patinize").

That's what i thought, mnblade. I was actually just removing the rust on the soddie with the Naval Jelly. Just thought it would clean it up, get it shiney again, and take it from there. However, the blade came out a really really dark grey. Go figure.