Your alias?

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While I was keeping South Korea free during my tour there for the military I picked up the nickname "Blades" for my tendencies to carry a few Spyderco's. Nobody ever calls me that, but it is on my plaque I received when I left Korea. Speaking of nicknames, I had a friend there we called "Randy the knife" for his ability to cut ya with a dull wooden training knife. It happened a few times in our martial arts class. One of these days I'm going to try and find him.

[This message has been edited by Blades (edited 03 March 1999).]
I am cursed with the moniker "Mikey", if you haven't figgered that already. It was explained to me that I am called that for the same reason that they call fat people "Tiny"...I guess it figures...I HATE Life cereal....
...anyways, I used Mikey as a CB handle back in the dark ages, and when I moved on to local BBS's there were alot of other old CBer's there, and I decided to mess with them and just spell it backwards. It took some of them months to figger it out. I decided to use it as my online name, mostly because I am not very creative.

I found out the hard way that helicopters generate a lot of static electricity, especially when the guy on the static probe isn't doing his job right during sling load operations.

It kind of stuck after that.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
Like others here, I too suffer from " lack of imaginationitis" no, it's not terminal but it can be terminally boring.
In my hey day I had two alias's but I will plead the 5th on that topic.

*Norse Knife Nut*

"Military" Fans Unite!!

"The only limitation is lack of imagination."

A co-worker gave me my nickname because of my penchant for (ahem) discussing politics, religeon, social ills, etc... OK, I admit it. I'll argue with you all day long on just about any subject! And you know what? I'll be right!!!


Deo Vindice

OK, Ill join in the fun. Lucky Dog is my dog’s name, since he’s one of the best folks I know and one of my best friends, I took his name. My wife says I’m a dog in the good sense, loyal, trusting, happy go lucky. Oh! I think I made a funny.

Take Care,


"Every Dog Has His Day"

My passion for sharp pointy things gave rise to the name Blade after my friends accused me of never using the same knife twice. As for truenames, they give people power over you!

Stay sharp friends!

Life is a journey, not a guided tour -- GO ARMED!

Great post. Fulcrum has a nice ring and is the U.S. military code word for a Russian jet fighter - of course, I root for the American planes.....
"Who comes? . . . Crow comes. Slow Joe Crow comes. Who sews crow's clothes? Sue sews crow's clothes. Slow Joe Crow sews whose clothes? Sue's clothes" (Dr. Seuss _Fox in Socks_)

Reading this to my daughters gave me the alias.

Mine is real easy gregj62 greg is my first name j is the first letter of my last name and 62 is the year of birth. Also it is my e-mail address.

-Greg Johnson

[This message has been edited by gregj62 (edited 03 March 1999).]
Well I use my real name here. Mainly because when I set up my username etc I forgot to change it to my usual net alias Beta. Too late now I guess.

My alias came from the old BBSing days. I used to be String Bean. It really was a spur of the moment thing, no real rhyme or reason for the alias. It just sounded good at the time. Eventually, people started calling me 'SB' for short instead of my first name. And so it stuck.

Over the net, I continue to use this alias as a means of privacy and security. But I use the same alias on all accounts to let others know they're talking to the same person.

[This message has been edited by SB (edited 03 March 1999).]
McAlevey....Just simple initials....sounds kinda racy eh?
Maybe I should have been in motor sports.....oh well...knifeaholic will have to do!
I am sort of a mythology nut. When it came time to pick an alias I wanted something that did not sound to concieted, there went Odin and Thor. I also did not like the impresion that Loki would give, I am not a malevolent trickster(unless I am feeling misceiveous(sp?) and angry)

I could not think of any Norse gods that were in need of Dr. Jung services or the Nordic version of Bachus(sp?). So I picked Feneris.

Where's the KaBoom? There was supposed to be an earth-shatering KaBoom
Has to do with my employment...think about it, you'll figure it out.

[This message has been edited by Jailhack (edited 03 March 1999).]
Kuroi is Japanese for black and Neko is cat, so the translation is Black Cat 2. The 2 is because I screwed up the first spelling, and AOL would not let me change it so I added the 2 and voila. No I am not Japanese, but I like others like Japanese tantos, and find the culture interesting.

You might have noticed that I sign my name Craig at the bottom of every post; well, cause my name's Craig. Dan Hibiki is a character from a game, basically a conceited narcissist street fighter who is under the impression that he is the best while in fact he is pathetic. In fact he fights in a pink gi. Basically he ends up being all flash and no substance and falls on his face alot; he cracks me up, so on a whim I chose him for a hotmail account name a while ago, and it stuck.

=- Craig the teller of boring stories
I was using Doug as my username until it became confusing with other Dougs. The name I am using now is my real name, the one my Mommy and Daddy gave me! Why I use it here now, I don't know....

Mark W. Douglas ( Doug )

" Knife Collectors Are Sharp People
