Your favorite Emerson

Jun 12, 1999
I think Emerson's are gorgeous knives, and I have to pick one up still. I'm wondering which one is your favorite? The CQC-7 looks nice and sleek and narrow, but the Commanders and Specwars look tough and thick.

And before someone posts it, yes, I would buy one of each if I could... =)


I have all production knives,including the Benchmade collaborations. My favorite is the commander w/part serrations.The wave feature is the fastest opening system and, IMHO, the least likely to screw up under pressure.
The knife locks extra tight and the cutting characteristics are very good.You can`t go wrong with any Emerson, but I think the commander is the best of the breed
Be Sharp
AKTI member# A000150
I just have one, a Raven E1B tanto chisel ground with Black-T blade and black handle, but I really like it a lot. If I had to do it over I might get the clip point blade though, it might be a little more practical for everyday non-tactical chores. I especially like the Kydron handle on the Raven!
I too only have one. It's an E1-B Raven with the Black-T coating. I also would get the clip point version (E1-A) if I did it all over again, as I've grown to not particularly care for the chisel grind tanto blade, even for pure defense. The Kydron handles are easily the most comfortable I've ever felt on a folder. The action is buttery smooth. My only complaints are that there is a very small amount of blade play when it's locked up and the blade doesn't cut quite as well as my new Spyderco Delica.
But for pure ergonomics, you can't beat it.

CQC6 then my CQC8 although I generally carry the CQC8 and Commander daily.

My favorite Emerson - La Griffe, Commander, CQC-8. In that order. La Griffe is a great little knife, I can carry with out thinking about losing it, I can use it without thinking this is an expensive knife or my hand might slip. I don't have the 8, but I have handled it and would like to own one, if it weren't for the wait or the inflated price for an immediately available knife.

[This message has been edited by Dirk (edited 06 July 1999).]
Commander, hands down, one of my daily carry, truly tactical blades.

Second choice is the tanto CQC7b (Emerson-not Benchmade knife) because I like its compact style.

BTW, the only knife that tops a Commander for quick deployment is a fixed blade in a concealed horizonal sheath.

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