Your thoughts on the GEC #55 Hound Tooth???

Jan 22, 2004
As some may know from another thread, I have to return my new Case Swayback Gent due to F&F issues. I am debating over replacing it with a Swayback Jack CV or was going to go with a GEC knife. I have been looking at the 55 with wharncliffe blade since it came out. How do you guys like this knife? I am just wondering if it is similar to the Case Swaybacks at all except for the added length. I really like the F&F of my GEC knive over the feel of the Case knives and a 55 would only run me about $15 more than a Swayback Jack. Any issues you've encountered after purchase? How's does it feel in the hand? Similar to a Case swayback? Of course, you are free to post pics of your knives also:D Thanks for the input!!! Terry
Don't have the Hound but I do have a 56 and 57 (the frame it employs) The GEC will be larger and heavier than the CASE but not too bad. The 56 I have is a Jack and a single blade Pruner Jack-this carries lighter and is very well done. The 57 is a Half Whitt, 2 blades but one spring. Finish on all of them is remarkable, so if you ask me, get your teeth into a Houndstooth but hurry up they're going fast in Wharncliffe version.

Thanks, Will.
GEC #55 wharncliffe is the newest addition to my family, so I haven't had a whole lot of time with it, but I find it feels better in hand than my SBJ's. While aesthetically the sway back design appeals to me more, ergonomically speaking, there's a reason most knife handles curve away from the palm. The back spring on the GEC is much firmer than my Sway Back Jacks, whether you consider that a pro or con is subjective. The blade length on both is sufficient for my daily tasks, but that extra 1/3" of handle is noticeable.

The #55 is definitely worth it. Dipped my toes into the GEC pool a while back and caught an awful fever. Only thing saving me is that I prefer square bolsters and they go heavy on round. Picture time!

Helpful picture comparison, although it is not helping me avoid the temptation of this knife. I am one of those who think the sway back frame feels awkward, which is a shame because I love the look of the chestnut bone SBJ.
Doug, you are not alone. As VictorK pointed out, the SBJ looks really nice etc but in hand it disappoints me a somewhat.

I like the swedge on his knife and they avoided the Longpull which I feel looks unpleasant on a Wharncliffe. The stag is really decent, there a jigged bone Northfield version that looks a treat too. The Red Tidioutes are also desirable. It does remind me of the 56 Weaver Jack I have, this is single blade EZ-Open and carries lightly, I don't want a clunker in the pocket...
GEC #55 wharncliffe is the newest addition to my family, so I haven't had a whole lot of time with it, but I find it feels better in hand than my SBJ's. While aesthetically the sway back design appeals to me more, ergonomically speaking, there's a reason most knife handles curve away from the palm. The back spring on the GEC is much firmer than my Sway Back Jacks, whether you consider that a pro or con is subjective. The blade length on both is sufficient for my daily tasks, but that extra 1/3" of handle is noticeable.

The #55 is definitely worth it. Dipped my toes into the GEC pool a while back and caught an awful fever. Only thing saving me is that I prefer square bolsters and they go heavy on round. Picture time!


This makes me want the GEC.... now if they would add a pen blade!
I have one. Quite possibly the sharpest traditonal I own. Dont know what circumstances allowed me to get it this sharp but its scary sharp. It has very very strong springs. Not hard to open but from half stop to open is very crisp shall we say.:)


I really like the look of the bone handles on that one!

It has very very strong springs. Not hard to open but from half stop to open is very crisp shall we say.:)

This is what will keep me from getting one. It is one of the main reasons every GEC knife I have owned has moved on down the line to someone else. Personal preference, I know, as some love the snap. I just happen to like something that opens more easily.
I really like the look of the bone handles on that one!

This is what will keep me from getting one. It is one of the main reasons every GEC knife I have owned has moved on down the line to someone else. Personal preference, I know, as some love the snap. I just happen to like something that opens more easily.

It opens easy enough. The spring is just strong from halfstop to open. Ive never seen a knife with springs like this.
This is what will keep me from getting one. It is one of the main reasons every GEC knife I have owned has moved on down the line to someone else. Personal preference, I know, as some love the snap. I just happen to like something that opens more easily.

I have one just like the one posted by akadave2. It is very well made and it can be opened simply by pinching the blade with your fingers without the need to use the nails. Very easy to open, yet with a strong spring.
Wow! Thats a super looking knife.
I have one. Quite possibly the sharpest traditonal I own. Dont know what circumstances allowed me to get it this sharp but its scary sharp. It has very very strong springs. Not hard to open but from half stop to open is very crisp shall we say.:)


I agree 100% with what AKADave and Cisco said, I also have the exact same knife. Certainly firmly sprung, but also definitely pinchable to open. In comparison to my Case CV SBJ, it's about the same weight, and in comparison to my Case SBG (single blade, stag) nearly the same thickness, but a touch heavier. I also agree with VictorKilo on aesthetics, the Case just has a much more graceful flow to it. All that said, I really do love the Houndtooth, but only in a wharnie, the other blades in this frame just look awkward, and I'm still scratchin' my head as to why they decided to do a liner lock version :confused:

Well, here is my choice!!! This is one beautiful blade I have to say. Love the autumn jig color. Spring is nice and firm, but not too heavy at all. Just right! Love the weight and the width. Sorry for the glare in the pic. Best one I took so far though. My camera-fu is really lacking. Enjoy:D

I'm glad to see you now got a very decent knife that you can be pleased to own and use.
Regards, Will
I have yet to here from anyone with a liner lock version. Anyone get one? Opinions on how it works?
Love the #55 - nice and slim in the pocket, and a great pattern. While I really like the wharnie (and will probably get one at some point), I wouldn't say that the spear point looks out of place on this frame at all:

I have the liner lock wharnecliff-- a little awkward at first but cool and easy to manipulate with practice. Also a very solid and tight knife