YOWZA!!!! . . . Describe The Busse Combat Forum And Win Some $$$$$$ . . . ..

Jerry Busse

Aug 20, 1999
If you were to describe the Busse Combat Forum in just one sentence to someone who was not familiar with it, what would it be?

NOTE: We may use this in our advertising. If we use yours, you will win a $25.00 shop credit. You, likewise, by posting here are giving us permission to use your forum name and to quote you.

Thanks and good luck!

I'm drinkin' :thumbup:


The only thing stronger than INFI is the brotherhood that brings us together.
A meeting place where a brotherhood of knife aficionados can share their interests, knowledge and humor related to the worlds toughest knives.
"The Busse Combat Blade Forum" for those who really want to know.
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The Busse Combat Knife Forum, where the topics for discusison are INFI-nite.
Folks on the Busse Combat Forum have a gift for provoking you, but if we ever "bore" you it will be with a sharp piece of infi.
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The Busse Combat Forum, a place to discuss the finer things in life. Sharpness, Toughness and INFI.
Infi-nite extravaganza of pointed discussion, through thick and thin with no regrets, never dull. hic.
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A group of people from all walks of life that have a common bond with the toughest knives in the world
Busse Combat Forum: The only place blades, babes, booze and bacon are combined, common and family friendly.
The convergence of friendly people with a passion for the world's toughest knives and all things pork.
The Busse combat forum is an amazing place-forged from the ground up by blade enthusiasts from all walks of life-providing the most intimate details about the toughest blades on earth!