Yvsa resurrects a 20 inch Sirupati. Pix.

I hope and pray so too Uncle.
I think a good shake up like that could toughen up a lot of the troubles in this country though.It is a day-umed shame what this nation has become.
There was even a time when the major sports teams had decent role models and heros and soldiers were all given honor instead of being spit on and called names.


The civilized man sleeps behind locked doors in the city while the naked savage sleeps (with a knife) in a open hut in the jungle.


Go to sleep you weary hobo.
Let the towns drift slowly by,
Can't you hear the steel rails hummin'?
That's the hobo's lullabye.

Don't you worry 'bout tomorrow,
Let tomorrow come and go.
Tonight you're in a nice warm boxcar,
Safe from all that wind and snow
I know your clothes are torn and ragged,
And your hair is turning gray.
Lift your head and smile at trouble,
You'll find peace and rest some day.
I know the po-lice cause you trouble,
They cause trouble everywhere.
But when you die and go to heaven,
There'll be no policemen there.*
* This verse is especially for Ghostsix and Jaeger LOL

Maybe some of you will remember this as sung by Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger.

And about all you can do sometimes, even here and now, is either make the best of it, or kill yourself one way or another. "The Whole Wide World Around" as another song says.
Yvsa, unfortunatey I think you are correct. This country is in deep trouble and I don't think anything less than a major catastrophic event will put it back on it's intended path. I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said something to the effect of: the only time you will need the Second Ammendment is when the government tries to take it away from you.

Rusty, enough with the neo-socialist hippie B.S.! You'll hurt my tender feelings.

Alright Mike here goes:

For the record, about Jaeger ( Mike ) and Ghostsix ( Daniel ). Law Enforcement is what they DO. Officers of the Peace is what they ARE.

Nuff said, Mike?
In the 60's thru the 80's the politicians played a shell game with the people. With one hand they gave the minorities the vote and with the other they took away any meaningfulness to that vote for everyone. Now everyone can vote, but we've all been disinfranchised for all practical purposes.

I used to joke we should blame CNN for gun control. Why? Because they showed what happened to Romania's Ceaucesku (sp?) so our congressmen and senators could watch and realise maybe the same could happen to them.
Not funny no more.
I have an old college prof buddy who says, "What this country needs is another Great Depresssion and WWII."

I used to think this was a cruel statement. Now I am not so sure he isn't right.

Uncle Bill

Yvsa I read up there that you lived for a while up by Yakima. It's a ways from Scappoose, but yesterday was clear enough to get a good view of Mt Adams, and I thought about ya.

Jeff Paulsen
I was just a kid when we lived there.
I have lived so many places that sometimes it is hard to put the whens together.

I did just remember something about Yakima.That is where the oldman sold our 33' custom made trailerhouse and bought that day-umed Army tent.My aunt and uncle lived in one of those little bitty camping trailers there.

I can remember the park owner telling mom she couldn't spray the tent down anymore because it was taking to much water.Yakima was Hot that summer.
I would someday like to tavel to all the place I have been and fish in the same places if they were still there.
It would take a while.

One of the memories I have of Yakima was going into a little patch of woods where those huge ferns grow and making a fort and such.Then all the boys And girls would take off all our clothes and run naked through the woods.Kids never change. That could be done back then without too much danger of getting hurt.That is unless our parents caught us and then we were in for an arse beetin!!.

I bet it is still beautiful there too.I love the northwest,even the plains and the "Big Quiet."


The civilized man sleeps behind locked doors in the city while the naked savage sleeps (with a knife) in a open hut in the jungle.


Very impresive work.

Yvsa, how do you think the Himalayan epoxy compares to modern epoxies in terms of strength?

Will, to be quite honest I think modern epoxy is better. The Himalayan epoxy gets very hard but it is brittle. Kami who has used both prefers the epoxy he buys at local hardware stores here in Reno and on his last journey here took back to Nepal an ample supply. I was looking at one of the shop 2 khukuris and I thought I saw some modern epoxy mixed with some sort of filler rather than the Himalayan epoxy. I could be wrong.

Uncle Bill
As far as strength goes I would have to guess that the H.E. is comparable to our 5 minute epoxy.It would be interesting to see what the H.E. looks like after some years of use,especially everyday use.

I am under the impression after removing the tang from the handle that it could be remelted even after an extended length of time and it would be as good as new.It is very tenacious.


The civilized man sleeps behind locked doors in the city while the naked savage sleeps (with a knife) in a open hut in the jungle.

You are right, Will. The HE can be recycled. I've done it myself. Something that modern epoxy can't do. And, there is something to be said for that feature.

Uncle Bill
The HE epoxy almost sounds like hide glue that is used by some in woodworking, which too allows rework by applying heat to the joint. An alternative to 'potting' with epoxy is to 'glass bed', which is something that is done with match rifles. One applies a release agent to the action, Johnson's wax seems to work ok, making sure that holes and slots are also filled so that the action will release, and then one places the action in the epoxy filled stock. After it sets up one can seperate the action from the stock but there is still a good fit. If glass bedding one would need to rely upon the butt cap to secure the handle.
That is one beautiful job and the fact that you gave it as a gift of love will make it that much better.

Very nice job Yvsa! Congratulations. Regarding the welding, it was likely "sand" in the metal. This is quite common in steel and is a pain when it comes to X-Ray quality welds, in fact, you can't do it on steel that contains sand.

The problem is more common today than it was 25 years ago, but even old steel if it were made for use in things like leaf springs, truck axles and the like contain relatively high quantities of sand.

The problem is the particle explodes under the heat and cause an imperfection in the weld. Only way to fix it is to grid it out and weld again.

Lovely knife.
As a back yard welder and kami imitation I have run into the same thing. I try to blow the weld away and keep on welding because I am lazy. If that doesn't work it is off to the grinder and back to the torch.

The kamis sometimes complain about the same problem saying there is "sand" in the steel which they must pound out or else throw the spring in the trash which they sometimes do.

Uncle Bill
I received the Shop 2 Sirupati today the broke.
It will be resurected like the other one if all goes well.
This one has a larger handle and it faired well without any cracks.
I will do some more testing and take some more pix if anyone is interested.

This one is different as I was able to cut the blade with a file and mash it a little with a 20 oz. hammer.We will see how the welding part goes.

I am also going to see if I can find some heavy brass about 1/4" to 3/8"
thick and replace the standard butt cap with it.I think I understand what Uncle Bill means about the screws on each side of the tang.
That should be an interesting experiment.


The civilized man sleeps behind locked doors in the city while the naked savage sleeps (with a knife) in a open hut in the jungle.

Wow, was this a shop 2 khukuri? I've not seen such clear butt cap scroll yet.

How did you get that handle to be so shinny? I've got a scratched an abused handle that need some touching up.
goat, that is a shop 1 khukuri. The first tang failure from shop 1 ever -- in maybe 9 years.

Uncle Bill