Zaan as a hard use edc?

It's in Russian but still gets the point across.

IMO prying with any folder is a bad idea as you not only have the tip to worry about but the pivot as well. Depending on what you are prying and assuming the blade can handle the forces you are applying, you still have the pivot pin, pivot hole in the blade, and the pivot holes in the scales. With enough force applied, any of these can deform, most likely the holes in the scales. clue how I got tango from tanto but hat is mighty funny.

I have seen that guys video before and compared to all his other hard use videos he really babies the zaan in the one.

To be honest it's this video compared to his others that made me a little concerned.
Tha Zaan is definitely meant to be used hard. Sure, the edge may need to be touched up often. And yes, I no longer have a factory tip (I leave it blunt because I do use the blade for prying). But the Zaan has not failed me in over eight years of use. Don't depend on anecdotal evidence, third-party videos or otherwise. Use the damn thing and convince yourself :)
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Lol. Fair enough. Another there a "order" of popularity for the crk? Is the zaan still sought after?
Last few weeks I've been EDC-ing my Umnumzaan. Great blade for everything, and strong enough for work appropriate for a folding knife. Very useful blade shape, and a surprisingly good slicer. Really does a good job on cardboard and cheese, which you might consider the opposite ends of the slicing spectrum.

I was reminded that the harpoon point makes it look a little scary, so people take notice when you deploy it, but as I grow older I care less and less about what people think. Where I live carrying a two-handed sword on the street is legal (as long as you don't threaten anyone with it), so the Zaan is not a legal problem.
I don't like tango knives only because I have no clue how to sharpen.

I had the same thought and I ended up getting a tanto 'Zaan anyway. Get yourself a spyderco sharpmaker. I did and found sharpening the tanto tip was very straightforward. You just hold it like a pencil (instead of in a pinch grip, with the handle across your palm, pinch it with the handle up on the web of your thumb/forefinger). Job done. If you think you may do some prying - while inadvisable with a knife, especially with a folder - this is probably the best choice for a tip that will take some prying. I found I needed a little sideways leverage and used my insingo the other day and didn't give it much thought at all, and wouldn't have even given that much thought to the tanto version.... I'd not let the sharpening concern stop you, at all.
Well heard the man....somebody pony up there tanto for this harpoon!! Not sure why but I can't post on the trade forums. I have a benchmade adamas I was gonna post but can't for some reason. I'm gonna guess its cuz I'm too new.
Well heard the man....somebody pony up there tanto for this harpoon!! Not sure why but I can't post on the trade forums. I have a benchmade adamas I was gonna post but can't for some reason. I'm gonna guess its cuz I'm too new.

It's because you need to be a Gold member or higher-
Prying is a deal breaker... good chance you'll be the one needing repair... if it isn't life or death, don't do it!!! I carry a leatherman Surge for any task not suited to my EDC CRK's
Prying is a deal breaker... good chance you'll be the one needing repair... if it isn't life or death, don't do it!!! I carry a leatherman Surge for any task not suited to my EDC CRK's

Prying, hammering, batoning..the list goes on and on.

"Hard use" is hard to define, but I am sure that common sense has alot to do with how you would use a given tool.. For instance, I am not going to use my Snap-On ratchet as a hammer.. Does it work like one if needed? Sure..but a hammer is much cheaper and a smarter tool to use.

These knives are not made of Adamantium, Unobtanium but do have a "tanium" and you have to realize that there are always limitations and better tools to use.
If you pry often enough for it to be a part of your EDC decision would it not be better to consider an EDC pry bar?
If you pry often enough for it to be a part of your EDC decision would it not be better to consider an EDC pry bar?

Because that would make too much sense. We can't go around being all logical now can we? If my edc folder can't pry up a man hole cover and survive repeated spinewhacks against metallic objects well then what good is it? I might as well carry a slip joint.