
I'm in! It looks like the much more sophisticated little brother to this fine knife:
Good on you Jack.....not an entry...Im toting the sharp ting our erudite under armer sent me..Onya Meako!...Pics soon..

Thanks for the very kind words friends, I'm blushing! :o

I'm in. Thank you for this fun & interesting thread! I'd be honored to cover the postage on this.
Not an entry but wanted to say what a great GAW this is and that they don't get better than Jack round these parts! Good luck to all who enter!
Very interesting design and generous GAW knife, being fan of strong pull I will let other get their chance. Thanks and congrats on very interesting 10K
Thanks folks, just giving this a bump, and I'll aim to draw it at the end of the week :thumbup:

Woke up feeling like bumping somebody - this seemed like the best place to do it.
Not an entry, you've given me more than my fair share Jack. Good luck to the participants!
Just remembered it's time to draw this! Thanks for entering, and to all of you who passed too, and thanks everyone for your very kind words. Not too many entrants, but I'm sure this'll go to a good home :)

Once again, good luck everyone, and it hope that the winner likes the knife :thumbup:

That's Carl - Jacknife!

Well done Carl, congratulations! Not sure how you'll find this little knife, but it hope that you like it. Please email me a mailing address and I'll get it off in the post after the weekend :thumbup:

All the best
