Zytel Summer and G10 winter


Apr 16, 2002
What preferences in knife carry do you have for summer and winter?

I find that in the summer my Zytel handles knives see a lot of use 'cos of the type of light pants or shorts that I wear. Been carrying my BM 350 a lot and my Endura. Nice and light weight so they don't weigh me down too much when I'm at the beach and such.

Winter time I tend to pack heavier 'cos of the heavier and more durable apparel. I carry my CQC7 and AFCK more during these months.
i usually just go with size... yes, size does matter...

for the summer, i've been carrying my Native.. come winter and the thicker apparel, i'm whipping out my Police and Ascent baby! can't wait...

hope it snow storms, then i can carry my Kabar :D

Zytel is the bulk of my collection and I don't really think they make a difference in winter or summer.
99% of my knives have G10 or CF handles, dont fool w/zytel much anymore, just think G10 looks better imho

Being a die-hard Spyderco fan, I have quite a few FRN models (Rescue, Endura, Delica) but lately I have become dissatisfied with them.

I'm not happy with the amount of flex in the handle, so I'm looking for knives with stronger handles. This has lead me to G-10, Micarta, and Aluminum.

Since alot of G-10 knives have steel liners, they are often heavier than I like (esp. for light-weight summer clothes).
So I'm leaning toward aluminum handled knives like the CRKT M18 and M16, and the Gerber Air Ranger.
They're very light-weight, yet strong and with very little flex (much less than FRN).

Good luck,
Well, the weather influences me what I'm going to wear. Usually, if I'm going to the beach and wearing shorts, I'd like something light like my Merlin. However, almost always, I bring my Tomcat to work because I'm working long pants and a belt. As for seasons, not any of knives are really specified for a season......come to think of it.......I don't have a knife with G-10.......DAMN!!!!!..........thats why I ordered the gunting.
Summer, Winter, Spring, Fall.

My favorite handle material is still G10 (though most of my knives are actually Zytel.)

I carry what I feel like carrying, regardless of season.
I base my EDC choices on the weather but not because of my clothing. In the summer I carry an Endura all-stainless and an aluminum handled Wenger Soldier, in winter it's Endura FRN and Victorinox Spartan, this is because the handles don't conduct the cold. Use a metal handled knife in sub zero temperatures for fifteen minutes and you will rethink your carry options guaranteed.:eek:
Heh, yobbos has a point.

But I only own 2 steel-handled knives, my Camillus EDC and Camillus Arclite, so it's not a huge deal to me.