BK-62…micarta scales or not?

I've had better luck with the fiebings pro (oil based) than their regular spirit based dye, but with either, I scrub the handle with dawn dish soap after a couple minutes of soak time - no problem with ink transfer after that.
My BK62 I just received has pretty terrible handle scales. They are rough and they are not flush at all and smell awful. Any advice?

Send pix? Did you buy it new?
In my experience, none of them are truly flush. Usually the scales are a TAD smaller than the tang, which is better than the other way. Natural wood shrinks and the tang edges shouldn't be sharp.

The smell is interesting - mildew?

Ka-Bar discontinued the aftermarket micarta scales and I haven't found another source yet. Making them yourself is totally possible, but kind of tricky if you've never done it before.