CBSA (Canadian border services agency) cracking down on folders entering Canada

Nothing in the current Canadian knives law make any kind of sense, or serve any purpose whatsoever. My point was that we can't just sit idly on the idea that "it doesn't apply to me", because at one point it very well could, and a law abiding citizen could find himself on the wrong side of the law through no fault, or any criminal intent whatsoever, of his own.
It's my strong opinion that those laws need to be off the book, period.
I absolutley agree with you on this by the way.
Nothing in the current Canadian knives law make any kind of sense, or serve any purpose whatsoever. My point was that we can't just sit idly on the idea that "it doesn't apply to me", because at one point it very well could, and a law abiding citizen could find himself on the wrong side of the law through no fault, or any criminal intent whatsoever, of his own.
It's my strong opinion that those laws need to be off the book, period.
Why do Canadians not protest for these kind of things like Americans do? Is it the same kind of apathy/general feeling of entitlement and superiority that sheeple have towards those who care about their personal rights and freedom being limited and violated by formalisms? We also have that here in part of Europe and, as for as I know, in Australia too. These are places where the art of politics, that of convincing (most) people that the various laws and restrictions that are daily imposed are made for the people’s sake and not to restrain them, has been fully put to use, to its (almost) maximum potential). Hopefully they’ll also convince people that they need to drive remotely controllable cars, live in homes with remotely controllable locks, get injected with untested foreign substances, be put in a social credit system, eat insects, drink poo-water, die of hypothermia (unless you pay for the heating and electricity they’re selling you), all the while being put through all this for a “higher cause” and being the one who is inadequate, guilty and, afterall “deserves” all of these things, imposed by the very same people who caused the problems they claim they want to solve, who are going to get richer off of the energetic transition (all the while paying and getting funded by countries that they would condemn publicly for their “lack of respect towards human rights” and whatnot), and who are also gonna treat you like a criminal in your own country, unable to be independent or to have any real power whatsoever, unable to arm yourself, all because some politicians who live in castles guarded by small armies of bodyguards said that weapons are dangerous and self defense is not a right. But it all obviously started from chipping away at the citizen’s personal freedoms and rights, slowly building their way up to monopoly over society. This is Europe, for one, possibly Canada and Australia too due to their intrusive policies on people’s lives and personal rights and freedom; we’re simply slowly sliding towards the Chinese model of control over society, and the few countries/states that aren’t, are officially condemned as “regressed” or “bigoted”. It’s all just illusion, all appearance, all rotten formalisms, and everyone in these countries just hangs from the lips of these politicians, convinced (in more or less good faith) that they are simply doing their part in keeping their country safe. The “situation” in the past couple of years was a test drive for what’s coming, and it’s gonna make what we have now look like freedom.
Because we're all too busy playing with our flippers, balis, and otfs to bother
Nope. There are ruling precedent, as in appeal ap-2017-012 as can be viewed here

It's quite the opposite, if your knife goes through at the border, or you're aren't arrested for carrying your beloved flipper, then you are the beneficiary of a judgement call made in your favor against the law.
That CBSA thing is NOT a law.
It is only a thing at the border.
It does not apply in the country.

It is not a law.

It is a CBSA tribunal decision.
It has no bearing within any other region of the entire country.
It is limited the tiny area at the Border where common sense does not apply, and extra rules can arbitrarily be added.

In the rest of the country, if your knife flicks open from the fully closed position, then yeah, you're out of luck.
But the cops won't open it partially then try to flick it; that's a CBSA shenanigans addition.
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The CBSA agent performing the test.

Also note they get as many tries as they want and can partially open the knife before the flick.
That doesn't seem right, as the detent is what keeps the blade in place so you cannot flick it open. They bypass the detent to make it a gravity knife, but that is not how it is going to be carried. Nobody "pre-arms" a folding knife by bypassing the detent and carrying it that way, for rapid deployment, except for the CBSA jerks!
That doesn't seem right, as the detent is what keeps the blade in place so you cannot flick it open. They bypass the detent to make it a gravity knife, but that is not how it is going to be carried. Nobody "pre-arms" a folding knife by bypassing the detent and carrying it that way, for rapid deployment, except for the CBSA jerks!
Yes well I'd like to introduce you to something called "The New York Flick". If you're good at it you can call a backlock like a Buck 110 a gravity knife.

Fair is not the goal of restrictions like this.
This is sliding to political bs.. let's stay on track about the private cbsa BS going on that has nothing to do with the laws or enforcent of them..
This is about the cbsa having the rights to use personal feelings, skill level and opinions of their staff on an individual perspective to have the power to admit or deny entry of our tools and goods..
This is sliding to political bs.. let's stay on track about the private cbsa BS going on that has nothing to do with the laws or enforcent of them..
Laws are made by politicians. This is political. Canadas leaders are rotten from the top down.
I'm un subbing to this thread. How many people are going to kick this dead horse again and miss the point of CBSA NOT FOLLOWING LAWS, THEY ARE MAKING DECIAIONS BASED ON PERSONAL OPINIONS AND FEELINGS WITHIN THEIR OWN ORGANIZATION, AGAIN.. NOT WRITTEN LAWS.
Laws are made by politicians. This is political. Canadas leaders are rotten from the top down.
I'd add to this, if the CBSA was being reeled in by the politicians for apparently as Twoody Twoody says not following the law, it wouldn't be an issue. Would it? What the CBSA is doing can only happen in a political climate that condones it.
To be fair, they are using the powers available to them under various points of legislation. It sucks, but between five-eyes, and various acts that give CBSA its powers, they can kind of "legally" do what they want. It's important to remember that "legal" and "right" or "ethical" are not really synonyms, and so any concerns need to be addressed at the legislative level. I'm no longer able to make my voice heard (although I do need to check again as to how that is working out) since I no longer reside inside the border. But when these sorts of discussions happen it's important to know what is happening and under what law, because otherwise any advocacy energy is wasted if it's not correctly targeted. This is a non-partisan issue, in that all sides are willing to let CBSA do whatever seems to be the most advantageous at any given time, and "No" is always an easier answer than "Yes" and in general the job of CBSA is to say "No" as much as possible.
Yeah that Trudeau is really unreal! What the hell is wrong with a folding knife? Solve some real problems instead of worrying about enforcing nonsense laws.
I'd add to this, if the CBSA was being reeled in by the politicians for apparently as Twoody Twoody says not following the law, it wouldn't be an issue. Would it? What the CBSA is doing can only happen in a political climate that condones it.

CBSA grabbed legal to own things under the previous, Conservative government too.
Sap gloves; perfectly legal to own in Canada, but the CBSA has interpreted them to be "equivalent" to brass knuckles and seized them in the past.

CBSA does what CBSA wants. End of story.
CBSA grabbed legal to own things under the previous, Conservative government too.
Sap gloves; perfectly legal to own in Canada, but the CBSA has interpreted them to be "equivalent" to brass knuckles and seized them in the past.

CBSA does what CBSA wants. End of story.
Unfortunate how what they (CBSA) seem to want to do consistently, firmly falls under less freedom for Canadians. It's probably a pure coincidence the government in Canada is getting more restrictive and abusive to its people as well.

Oh well, sorry to hear that CBSA is above any form of political check from your government. Hopefully they don't seize power over the whole country and enforce their border rules everywhere, since they are apparently that far beyond control from any political entity in Canada.
Just incase the sarcastic hyperbole was missed in my last post, perhaps the freedom snatching, knife stealing jerks are embedded on both sides of the government there. Or maybe you haven't figured that out yet, Canadians?

Hmm. Maybe it hasn't gone far enough for you people to realize it yet. Well, carry on. When you reach the point they are discussing outlawing pointy kitchen knives (like england) we'll revisit this lol