Off Topic Coming this April: Total Eclipse of the Snark!

Bug bomb.
Asian beetles stink and they bite
Wasps are just pure concentrated evil.
Might be worth spraying expanding foam under the eaves where they meet the wall.
They do stink. The wasps never bothered us for years, then all of a sudden they did. Wife got stung yesterday. We were just talking about the expandable foam. On a side note, this July marks 10 years of owning the cabin. Time sure does fly.
I also hate wasps.

I have been hit by them so many times that I now puff up like a puffer fish, then the sting site turns into a open wound.
I remember several years back, I did a solo weekend at the cabin, and a wasp got under my shirt, and stung me 9 or 10 times. Bastard.
With foot surgery Monday and today being nice. I made a trip to the range today. 380 reloads are where I want them. 10 mm still needs work. And I picked up a Savage rascal micro 22 single shot. That thing is a hoot to shoot. I was busting small pieces of clay birds on the back stop easily . Only thing is, the rifle is about the color of the clay birds.
Been binjing on Bearded Butcher videos. I'll prolly need a new keyboard after drooling all over the beef and bison cuts they displayed! I imagine a BK5 would cut up a carcass fairly well!
Gonna try some bison top sirloin burgers this week, they are just now put in the fridge to bring up the temperature. Maybe for tomorrow. Not to over cook, that is the order of the day!
... got some t'maters, lettuce, onions, jalapenos, thousand island, little league buns.... & cheezzzzze! 😁
Here is a very recent, as of now, beef & bison comparison of the ever-loving ribeye section of the platoon. 🐮
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Flood watches until 1 pm tomorrow, tornado watch until midnight. Spring is here. Yay.
I diced up an extra piece of smoked pig and mixed it into my mac and cheese for supper tonight in your honor.

When we got home my wife made me bacon and eggs because I told the doctors I don't motivate well without breakfast. Then she ordered a pizza in
Nerve block still going strong and still can't feel my foot. it is throwing my balance off some