CRK fans call to arms.

I tell my employees this all the time. Everyone should have unique, complex passphrases and 2FA on everything. You wouldn't believe the childish, simple passwords people create--and then use on every website they traffic.

I also have good locks on my doors. This is the world we live in.
I have bought and sold lots of camera gear on over the years, and they have had for a very long time now a header on their buy and sell forum to not do transactions via F&F etc.

I was kind of surprised when I first came on here at how itwas the norm, not the exception. But The people In have dealt with here have all been pretty active members with good feedback, but that doesn't mean an account couldn't have been compromised.

Sad days indeed.
Hey guys,

You have all seen the mess the exchange has been lately with all the scams and BS. Let's try to do our part as a small sub section of BF and see if we can't start a trend.

I will no longer buy or sell using PayPal FF as an option. In the past Ive given my buyers a chance to save some cash, no longer. I have also used it buy here to save a bit of coin as well. By doing this I have helped normalize the use if it and for that I apologize.

Who will join me? The scammers will kill our exchange faster than the flippers and scalpers which we all hate with a passion. Let's stand up and show Blade Forums that the CRK guys and gals get it and can/will help make a difference.

Thanks for at least reading this.

I’m down. Paying FF was always terrifying.
I thought people went to PPFF to save on the taxes. If that is not the case now by all means use PPGS to help avoid the chance of getting scammed. I like the approach of asking for an additional picture so you know the person has the knife. Also picture with usernames and dates would help too.
The F&F crowd has grown steadily in the 10 yrs I've been on this site; but the tax piece converted most of the remaining G&S people. I can't help but wonder if they really think those payments are under the radar.
I love the initiative and will continue to use G&S, also if I ever sell one of my CRK (doubtfull :) ).

I'm pessimistic though. F&F is established now, most sellers will continue, and the temptation to buy is too large for most, in particular when prices are good.

I feel G&S should have been made mandatory long ago in the Exchange, much like "Net to me" is not allowed, but that's just me.
I know someone who has an eBay business. She was astonished when I described the exchange as a place with virtually no selling fees. I was proud that we had an honor system that obviated the need for buyer protection. Then this happened.

This is why we can't have nice things.
Hasn't there been talk of getting 2FA set up here? That would probably weed out a lot of the account hacking a least. I have no problem with G&S. I don't do a lot of buying and selling here, so it would probably help me more than anything. When everyone wants PPFF and you don't have a ton of feedback, people get a bit squirrelly. It's understandable, but still a pain to deal with, hence the reason I avoid it. I might actually be a bit more active with my collection if G&S became the standard.
Hasn't there been talk of getting 2FA set up here?
2FA is here & has been for a while; but it is optional & requires activation. There was talk in one of the threads about people not wanting to load an authenticator app...but having the code sent to one's email is not ideal (especially if a compromised email was what gave access here in there first place)
I have had success offering to split the fees with a buyer or seller. Sometimes that greases the wheels and everyone is happy. Generally if I can’t come to an agreement on payment type in a very few messages I lose interest and just move on. I’m laid back and don’t need the drama. Probably saved me from some impulse buys too!
I understand the risk with F&F and would only use it if it’s someone I trust or have done business with already. I don’t think it should be stopped completely but everyone should also know that it’s at your own risk.

I do think a bigger issue is how many users are willing to throw their email up publicly because they don’t want to pay to enable personal messages. It opens you up to a lot of scammers who could then email you impersonating the actual seller. I’ve seen it a few times already and I think if you are going to buy and sell on here the membership is worth it for the privacy.

If you insist on posting your email and someone does contact you, please take an extra step and make sure that it is ACTUALLY the seller reaching out before sending any money.
If they are ever caught, I can think of a very appropriate way to dispense justice to the people running these knife sale scams.
I take no joy in saying this but. I for one am done with the exchange in its current condition. I won't say I won't buy again but it will be only from our small group and a few others out in gen pop, and then only behind the scenes in PM.
Just too many reddit users, eBay sellers, scalpers, flippers ,crooks and cons. The community market place we once enjoyed is pretty much gone. I am laying no blame, its just the way of the world it seems...
I've been around a long time, pretty much just used the exchange to buy knives, never sold any. I hope this changes back again- it's tough to buy right now. There's the PPFF stuff, but also I just don't know anymore if someone's account is compromised, if a new user is trustworthy, or some other scam. I've seen several knives I've liked, but just one of the above things keeps me from going for it.