Important Info! Deceased makers

David Dill of Bethany, Oklahoma passed 7 weeks ago. He made some fine scale automatic folders
D'Alton Holder, outstanding person and knifemaker recently passed. At one time I had one of his signature "My Knife". I always enjoyed seeing him at shows and getting to chat a bit. Great guy!!
I agree, great Guy! RIP
Ralph Bone, Dec., 2007. Froze to death during a week-long power outage caused by a massive ice storm in NE Oklahoma.
D'Alton Holder, outstanding person and knifemaker recently passed. At one time I had one of his signature "My Knife". I always enjoyed seeing him at shows and getting to chat a bit. Great guy!!
Always had good chats with D. I have a unique one off -- only piece, as I recall, that D ever did using Damascus steel for the blade. Unfortunately while basically a My Knife, the sheath is rather basic. This what happens after over 40 years of custom knife collecting -- we all get older and depart.
Randy Larsen (AUGUST 27, 1954 – OCTOBER 25, 2022) knife maker, member and secretary of the Gateway Area Knife Club passed away.
Jefferson Spivey, who rode a horse across the USA, and maker of the "Sabertooth Knife" died on 26 July 2022. RIP.

This is sad, and somehow a reflection on the knife making industry. I hope it signifies that a lot of these people are simply elderly, and not keeling over in some sort of epidemic. But still, I can't help but be impressed by the numbers.
Please include one of the greatest knife makers ever... D'Alton Holder. He passed away November 19th, 2022.
D, Holder has passed to the great knife shop in the sky? Wow! D, mostly by phone helped me get my start back in the early 90’s… D, Holder was a great man that shared his knowledge freel. Great man!