Edge Out Cancer 2014


Jul 17, 2009
**Apologize in advance for the "Wall Of Text" **

Why We Formed "Edge Out Project" Relay Team:

Almost all of us have been touched by cancer in some way, so we've decided to make a difference by walking and raising money in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life event. Brian Goode a fellow knife maker from North Carolina and some friends of his started the Project a few years back.

Brian Goode Edge Out Facebook Page: CLICK ME
Ryan W. Knives Edge Out Facebook Page: CLICK ME

At the event, our team will camp out overnight and take turns walking around the track to raise money and awareness to help the American Cancer Society in the world's largest fight against cancer.

Our team is taking action to help finish the fight. Please join our team or make a donation because saving lives from cancer starts with one team, one participant, and one dollar at a time. Here is the EDGE OUT twist... For Every $5 you donate you will be entered into the raffle where donated prizes will be given to the lucky winners!

Up for Grabs So Far:
  1. Ryan W. Knives Custom Knife designed by Lorien Arnold
  2. Z Wood Knives Custom Knife
  3. Ryan W. Knives T-Shirt
*** Always accepting Donations

Chance to Win a donated item...
  • $5 = 1 Raffle Entry
  • $25 = 5 Raffle Entries
  • $50 = 10 Raffle Entries
  • $100 = 20 Raffle Entries (Free Ryan W. Knives T-shirt)

The Raffle Details...
  • Entries will be entered into a spread sheet and Random.org will choose the winners
  • Highest Valued Items Drawn 1st
  • Random.Org will choose the winning Names
  • One Win Per Person
  • Winners will be announced on June 7th (After the Relay Event)

Here is our Relay Team Page where you will make your Donations Directly to the American Cancer Society:

If you prefer to remain anounymous (on the team page) when you donate... You can forward a copy of your Relay for Life receipt to me, and be entered in the raffle. Otherwise you will not be entered.

You can Forward your donation receipt to:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me: ryan@ryanwknives.com
Here is what we have so far in our goal to meet $2000 by June 2014

1. Edge Out Project set up $10
2. Matt Smith $100 (20 Raffle Entries)
3. Eric Kidwell $50 (10 Raffle Entries)
4. Joe Paranee $25 (5 Raffle Entries)
5. Win Heger $50 (10 Raffle Entries)
6. Shawn Martin $10 (2 Raffle Entries)
7. Rich Daniels $10 (2 Raffle Entries)
8. Greg Abousleman $35 (7 Raffle Entries)
9. Jonas Iglesias $25 (5 Raffle Entries)

Thanks to everyone, every little bit helps!
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Lorien was very generous to donate one if his Designs for the Edge Out Build. I have always been a fan of Lorien's and he has always been there to lend a hand or advice when I needed it.

Edge Out Cancer - Lorien Design:
Steel: .250" 1075 High Carbon (With Hamon)
Handle: Black G10, Pink Spacer & Liner, Silver Twill Bolster
Misc: Tapered Tang, 1/4" Stainless Pins, 1/8" Black Micarta pins
Sheath: Buy Brown Kydex Custom (Donated by David)

Here I have the LA Design Profiled and Drilled

Marked the Center line

Rough ground the blade

Tapered the Tang

Next Clay Coat and Heat Treat
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I have the Knife Clayed up and ready for Heat Treat

Jonas!!! Thank you very much for your donation Sir! I have you down for 5 Raffle Entries... Good Luck!
I have the Heat Treat and Temper cycles finished up.... Just waiting on some new belts to be delivered before I do the final Grind. I see what appears to be a BEAUTIFUL Hamon under there!

I made some more progress on the Raffle Knife...

Machine finished and Hand sanded today, also got my logo etched on one side. I need to order a good Lorien Design Logo for the other side. Luckily Ernie is QUICK!
Blade is looking great Ryan!

I don't think about it often, but I'm a "cancer survivor" myself - glad to say I've been happy and healthy (fitness level varies according to beer intake, but then again so does happiness ;) ) since '96.. So, I dropped some funds in the pot to round it out for now - good luck on your goal, I'll be keeping an eye on it until June!

Shane, I had no idea you were a Cancer survivor!! You put us at 25% of our $2000 Goal, thank you my friend and you have 35 Raffle entries for your generous donation! I owe you a couple beers when we finally meet up!
Ryan - meh, I rarely give it a second thought. I was lucky and caught it very early and I was young and otherwise healthy. The only thing NOT going for me was I had just happened to turn down student health insurance for the semester, because hey I was all of the above (plus dumb) and needed beer money :eek::D. So, I ended up with some medical bills - but also received some charitable financial aid. So, it's my pleasure if I can give back in a small way.

I'll most likely drop some more funds along the way as you work toward the goal - but bumping the total today to $500 seemed like a nice round number :)

I will most certainly take you up on the beers and will insist on returning same!
Just wanted to extend an invite to any Utah Locals to Physically "Join the Team" you can register as a team member at the American Cancer Society Webpage: LINK (https://secure.acsevents.org/site/TRR/RelayForLife/RFLCY14GW/2048598174?pg=ptype&fr_id=59110) There is a $10 Registration fee and you will be asked to set a personal fund raising goal all of which goes towards the $2000 Team: Edge Out Project Goal.

Basically we camp out and BBQ making sure that we have at least 1 team member walking the Track at all times during the 24 Hr. Event.

Baby is due on June 4th, So I could use the support :eek:
Really good friend donated his Graphic Design abilities and made up the Edge Out Project T-Shirt design.... If you are interested in one of these shirts and a few Raffle Entries CLICK ME

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I got the Stencils from Ernie in the mail today. Etched the Logo and Polished out the hamon!!

Close up of Lorien's Logo... Love this design my friend!
Received the Donated Silver Twill (Thank you CompositeCraft Inc) in the mail yesterday and had a chance to cut the pieces and will be gluing them up today. Should have a finished blade by the weekend! Then off to David Brown for the Kydex sheath.
