Guardians of The Lambsfoot!

Such a awesome Lamb
Thanks guys!
Very pretty :) :thumbsup:

Glad you're feeling OK buddy, and thanks for the pics :) :thumbsup:

Sounds great Paul :) :thumbsup:

Welcome to the Guardians! :) :thumbsup:

It's great to see you here Dennis, how're you doing pal? :) :thumbsup:

Sweet Lamb Dwight :cool: :thumbsup:

Perfect! :) :thumbsup:

Good morning Guardians, how's everyone doing? While I was up at the hardware store yesterday, I picked up a reasonable bottle of wine from the shop next door, so that's how my evening went ;) :D It's still only 7am here, but so far, my internet connection seems to be OK. Have to see how that goes :rolleyes: Have a good day everyone, but watch yourselves fellers, and grab some garlic, because Lucy is out of the box! :eek: :D :thumbsup:

I love lucy!
I still haven't edited all my holiday snaps, but thought I'd post a few today. I took a whole bunch from the plane, but here's just a couple of them. I think the first shows the Austrian Alps.

keyboard test utility

On my first day there, the weather was pretty dull, and I decided to check out what the brochure called a 'beach' :rolleyes:

I decided to walk to the local 'town' of Sissi.

The harbour is quite pretty. The rest had me expecting tumbleweed to blow across the street! :D Still, it's only 11am or so :rolleyes:

Wonderful pics Jack! I think I'd love that place. Quiet slow pace and that's my favorite kind of beaches. Beautiful!
Wood for Wednesday.
Be still my heart... You just can't say enough about his work... And does ANYTHING feel as good in your hand??? The weight and balance...
Good morning Guardians. Storms are continuing to batter our area here in southern coastal NC. Calling for a break later this morning. I know that we needed the rain but enough is enough. Looking forward to getting out for a walk and some sunshine later this morning. Keeping my Blue Rope Albers close to me today. Recycled photo.
Beautiful image Bill.
Good Morning Guardians
Very cool pic of a real beauty John!
Good morning Guardians !

Carrying Gidget today 👍

Happy Hump day ! 😉
Another Albers jewel!
Nice pics, Jack. Looks like a nice, quiet place to enjoy some downtime. (Hopefully it wasn’t too quiet!)

I’m Lamb-less today, as it’s Scout’s birthday and I have her knife with me, and I didn’t want to double up on straight edges. I’ll post an update in the totin’ thread (or off-topic, can’t remember where I normally post those) later today. :thumbsup:
I've just realised I've got a whole bunch of pics that I took, on the same morning, but with a different camera, so here's a few of them
The more I see the more I love that place!
Here's a different Lamb 🐑 Shell covers construction. No maker tang stamp. Just MADE IN SHEFFIELD ENGLAND on the mark side. Pile side tang stamp is BRIT PAT NO 416767.

Way cool score David! 👍
Nice pics, Jack. Looks like a nice, quiet place to enjoy some downtime. (Hopefully it wasn’t too quiet!)

I’m Lamb-less today, as it’s Scout’s birthday and I have her knife with me, and I didn’t want to double up on straight edges. I’ll post an update in the totin’ thread (or off-topic, can’t remember where I normally post those) later today. :thumbsup:
Happy birthday to Scout!!!! Hope she had a great day. She already has the coolest name in the world.
To Scout..🎂
Happy birthday Scout! 🎂
Happy birthday 🎂
Hope Scout had a great day.
btb01 btb01 Happy Birthday to Scout 🎂
Happy birthday to Scout!!!! Hope she had a great day. She already has the coolest name in the world.

Thanks guys! We had a great day. I posted some pics over in the totin’ thread. :thumbsup:

I’ll have a Lambsfoot back in my pocket tomorrow. 😁
You couldn't resist eh David?! :D That is certainly a very interesting Lambsfoot. Only Richards of Sheffield could have made it, but my dad worked at the firm when I was a kid, alongside his brother, and my brother-in-law worked there later, and I have seen thousands of Richards knives. Sheepsfoot blades are rare enough, with shell-handles, but this is the first Lambsfoot I've seen. I am quite astonished :eek: I would love to know the story behind it :cool: :thumbsup:
Thanks Jack! I'd been watching it for several weeks and forgot about it till Steve reminded me. Thought I better get it while I could since I never seen one before. Knowing more about it's history would be nice. :thumbsup: 🤠
Enjoying a cup of coffee this overcast morning in Santa Cruz. It’s a bit wet too…some light drizzle. The only critters that have shown up are some squirrels. 🐿️ Squirrels grunt a lot. They’re amusing to watch. The turkeys must be sleeping in. We do have some new turkey babies about. Thought I would carry an Albers today. Good Thursday to you.
I love lucy!
Thanks pal! :D :thumbsup:
Still in the honeymoon phase with the Ashwin. Seems to be making its way in my pocket regularly. Beautiful photos from your trip, Jack.

Hope everyone had a great day.

Thanks a lot Paul, that's a smasher :) I love the wee barrel bead! :D :thumbsup:
Snakewood today

Sun looked good through the trees on my morning walk.
Great pics Mitch :cool: :thumbsup:
Wonderful pics Jack! I think I'd love that place. Quiet slow pace and that's my favorite kind of beaches. Beautiful!
The more I see the more I love that place!
Thanks buddy, maybe we can meet up for a beer there one day :) I wish I could still climb, because there's a lot to be done there I reckon. Crete has some incredible history, both ancient, and more modern (eg WW2) :thumbsup:

If at first you don't succeed... drill, drill, ....
I thought that was one of your miniatures at first Dwight! :D ;) Good luck this time buddy :) :thumbsup:
Another great pic :) :thumbsup:
For today and tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a good week.

You too Pete :) Nice choice :) :thumbsup:
Thanks guys! We had a great day. I posted some pics over in the totin’ thread. :thumbsup:

I’ll have a Lambsfoot back in my pocket tomorrow. 😁
I'll go have a look Barrett :) :thumbsup:
Thanks Jack! I'd been watching it for several weeks and forgot about it till Steve reminded me. Thought I better get it while I could since I never seen one before. Knowing more about it's history would be nice. :thumbsup: 🤠
Richards weren't short of cash, but because of their semi-automated process, the tooling for a new pattern would still have been an expense. I wonder if what you have is a sample, because I can't understand why they would have done such a limited run, particular of a pattern which was generally popular? There can't have been THAT many Lambsfoot knives produced, otherwise one of us would surely have seen them before 🤷‍♂️ I've never fully understood Richards' use of the their different stamps. Usually, 'generic' stamps like that are used at the request of vendors or wholesalers, so possibly there was a request for a Lambsfoot knife, and a few samples were produced? That is pure conjecture however. If you want to learn more about the history of the company, which is actually quite interesting, you should see the January 2019 issue of Knife Magazine :thumbsup:
Enjoying a cup of coffee this overcast morning in Santa Cruz. It’s a bit wet too…some light drizzle. The only critters that have shown up are some squirrels. 🐿️ Squirrels grunt a lot. They’re amusing to watch. The turkeys must be sleeping in. We do have some new turkey babies about. Thought I would carry an Albers today. Good Thursday to you.
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I have a lot of grey squirrels on my street Kurt, and sometimes think the young ones sound like cartoon ducks! :D Nice choice for today there :) :thumbsup: