Magnacut Is In The House!!!

I'm really not understanding the excitement over Magnacut. From what I read about it, it is a good steel that is tough while being (very?) corrosion resistant. That attracts me to it... not at all. I've never had a problem with either toughness of stainless steels I've used, or corrosion on tool steels I've used. So, OK, it does both in one. It's not something I'm going to buy, unless it happens to be the steel in a knife that I decide I want for other reasons. If Busse makes something in Magnacut that I like the design, I'll buy it (unless I consider it too expensive because it is in a new steel). But I'm not excited about Magnacut.

One thing that many overlook is the fact that Magnacut is said to give a very uncommon combination of high wear resistance and ease of grinding. Typtically these two traits are at odds with one another and you cannot increase wear resistance without decreasing grindability. This lack of grindability makes me not a big fan of powder metal or HSS type 'super steels' (I dislike this term a lot) because it's just not worth the additional grinding difficulties to get an edge which holds indefinitely. If you are the type of person to be happy with low sharpness then these steels are great as you don't have to resharpen for what amounts to forever.

If you are the type to not be happy with using a low level of sharpness (this includes myself) then it's much easier to just take the knife to stones for a few seconds on something like a Victorinox than it is doing much more on these high carbide type steels. The million dollar question which will determine for me whether I am impressed or not will be whether or not the Busse heat treat will negate this purported advantage of grindability. If it does, then I don't see anything here that you wouldnt' already get beyond Elmax other than additional corrosion resistance.
One thing that many overlook is the fact that Magnacut is said to give a very uncommon combination of high wear resistance and ease of grinding. Typtically these two traits are at odds with one another and you cannot increase wear resistance without decreasing grindability. This lack of grindability makes me not a big fan of powder metal or HSS type 'super steels' (I dislike this term a lot) because it's just not worth the additional grinding difficulties to get an edge which holds indefinitely. If you are the type of person to be happy with low sharpness then these steels are great as you don't have to resharpen for what amounts to forever.

If you are the type to not be happy with using a low level of sharpness (this includes myself) then it's much easier to just take the knife to stones for a few seconds on something like a Victorinox than it is doing much more on these high carbide type steels. The million dollar question which will determine for me whether I am impressed or not will be whether or not the Busse heat treat will negate this purported advantage of grindability. If it does, then I don't see anything here that you wouldnt' already get beyond Elmax other than additional corrosion resistance.
If it does in fact have high wear resistance AND ease of grinding (which I would equate, in my case, to ease of sharpening on stones and such), then I might indeed be interested. Everything i could recall reading or hearing about it was it was very tough and very stainless at the same time. Higher stain resistance is really not something that interests me at all. When I think of balancing a triad with steels, I think of toughness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance. Of those three, corrosion resistance concerns me the least. So when I was reading/hearing of Magnacut's superior properties balancing corrosion resistance with toughness, it baffled me why it was so exciting. Thank you for your clarification.
One thing that many overlook is the fact that Magnacut is said to give a very uncommon combination of high wear resistance and ease of grinding. Typtically these two traits are at odds with one another and you cannot increase wear resistance without decreasing grindability. This lack of grindability makes me not a big fan of powder metal or HSS type 'super steels' (I dislike this term a lot) because it's just not worth the additional grinding difficulties to get an edge which holds indefinitely. If you are the type of person to be happy with low sharpness then these steels are great as you don't have to resharpen for what amounts to forever.

If you are the type to not be happy with using a low level of sharpness (this includes myself) then it's much easier to just take the knife to stones for a few seconds on something like a Victorinox than it is doing much more on these high carbide type steels. The million dollar question which will determine for me whether I am impressed or not will be whether or not the Busse heat treat will negate this purported advantage of grindability. If it does, then I don't see anything here that you wouldnt' already get beyond Elmax other than additional corrosion resistance.
So you’ll buy some to resell…
You’ll sharpen some…
What’s new?
So you’ll buy some to resell…
You’ll sharpen some…
What’s new?

Not likely but that's the thing about judging are often wrong. Wait and see... ;) ;)

On a more personal note, I am happy to be of service to allow you feel superior and feed your ego in feeling that you are better than me.... :):)

Just remember.... pride comes before the fall. Karma has a way of finding everyone at one point or another in life. I've seen it happen too many times to discount this possibility.

PS : I just have and will happily continue to report these types of posts moving forward.
I don't feel superior...
I'm a chubby, middle aged man with a 'few' vices... and my own lot of issues and problems in life...

What bothers me is the amout of horseshit that you've been sprouting... and the judgment on people who kept their knives sharp and working for them longer than you've been alive!
Other than W&C, I don't think I've seen anyone on BF that is more jugmental than you bud!

How about you actually USE a knife from a brand whose subforum you spam to justify your posts?
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I don't feel superior...
I'm a chubby, middle aged man with a 'few' vices... and my own lot of issues and problems in life...

What bothers me is the amout of horseshit that you've been sprouting... and the judgment on people who kept their knive sharp and working for them longer than you've been alive!
Other than W&C, I don't think I've seen anyone on BF that is more jugmental than you bud!

How about you actually USE a knife from a brand whose subforum you spam to justify your posts?

My friend, it seems you do not understand the rules of this subforum. Perhaps you should have a read through this before you continue building infractions here...

if you cannot tell me specifically what I am mistaken about performance-wise then your words are nothing but judgement and slander. I have many opinions on knife performance but that does not equal judgement, it is my opinion solely and you are welcome to your own views. Forums like these are full of people addressing such views in a peaceful way (ideally) which is free from personal attack and judgement.

If you have actual pieces of data or explanations to share that argues directly against something I've said then I am always happy to be proven wrong and will be the first to say when I'm wrong. The unfortunate part is over the last decade of you taking personal attacks at me I have not seen even ONE single piece of data or argument against anything I have stated. In fact, I seldom here anybody argue against the views I share because there's actually little discussion of knife performance here beyond people posting pics of what fun they've had beating on their 'hard use' cutlery.

I do use knives everyday but it seldom is a knife from Wauseon, OH because, frankly, they are EXTREME USE tools and I have zero work on a daily basis that requires such a thing. Which makes them the wrong tool for the job. As soon as my refrigerator needs to be demolished you'll be seeing pics of me 'ABUSING' my Busse. I put that in quotes because it's not really abuse if it is intended to be used for such demanding work, which is of course, why anybody with average intelligence or better would not argue that they make excellent kitchen cutlery.

It's funny you mention W&C, the ironic part about that is it is the EXACT place for you to take such derogatory comments against someone here and yet you cannot do so and prefer to make your comments here. Perhaps it is because all you really seek is to try and get me to respond in an unfortunate way here to somehow damage my reputation. I can say for certain I will not respond to anything on W&C because I have no intentions of visiting such an unfortunate place.

In the end, I am grateful for your comments because I believe there is good to be found in everything if you know where to look. I am not perfect either but I strive to live a life of integrity in every way and I challenge you to find a member here who I've done sharpening work and/or done sales/trades with here who is not satisfied with the advice, service and product I have delivered. There is a good man inside of you but it seems you are more intent in finding the evil that you believe resides inside of me to bother taking the time to work on your own issues. I look forward to having further discussions with you on knife performance and certainly have no ill will towards you but the childish comments will no longer be tolerated.
Yep, my cutting needs for about anything are met by a Busse or ESEE of some type or another. Knives cut….if I need to cut I use what I have most of.
Ditto ^^ One thing for sure ... I'm usually too busy using the blade to take mental notes on how many push cuts my Skelton key made versus my scrapivore or my cr2.5 or belt knife etc..
Well I have to keep my SK hidden or Dave Brown trys Ron steal it back from me :D. You just reminded me to put it in my pack as I am off bush tomorrow!
Happy bushing :)

Don't get me wrong , I'm not opposed to trying magnacut either !!
You lucky bastid!
Have fun out there!
And keep an eye out for the legless critters, given the last few warmer weeks they might be coming to say hello...
Well, that took an unexpected turn. I would like to publicly apologize for entering this thread at post #112, as it seems that is where things started to go awry.
I appreciate the couple of answers that outlined additional information on Magnacut that I was not aware of. It has increased my interest in it, although still not to the point of looking for it.
If Swamp Rat or Busse (or SYKCO) does some nice thin Magnacut, perhaps in a 'mandu (I can never turn one of those down it seems), or some other small knife, I'll probably buy it. Magnacut certainly doesn't seem like a bad steel.
Well, that took an unexpected turn. I would like to publicly apologize for entering this thread at post #112, as it seems that is where things started to go awry.
Tsk, tsk, for shame. 🤨 My toast also burned this morning, I'm going to chalk that up to your fault as well. :mad:

Also a note to everyone else, don't put your toast in on the bagel setting.
OK... I have to add another diversion based on this post.
My wife and I got a new toaster a month ago, after our previous one from 20+ years ago finally died.
New one is the same brand, similar operation. A few more features.
One afternoon while I'm gone, she goes to toast a tortilla. Turned it too far/long on toast setting. Turns around for a few seconds, and hears "POOF!"
When she turns back, the tortilla had combusted, and the toaster was on fire. She got it out of the house and put out. Dang thing still works. I guess it will be our new toaster for the NEXT 25 years.

Sorry for another digression. But I had to.

Tsk, tsk, for shame. 🤨My toast also burned this morning, I'm going to chalk that up to your fault as well. :mad:

Also a note to everyone else, don't put your toast in on the bagel setting.
Let me ask it this way. Would you rather have Magnacut over INFI or 3V? And if so, why? What have you found lacking in one or both of those?

I'm not trying to troll, or put down your desire for Magnacut. I'm just not understanding. More for the sake of discussion than for anything. Maybe I came across wrong in the previous post.

Over infi:
Better edge retention, better stain resistance, better attainable hardness, both have good edge stability

Over 3V:
Better edge retention (though very comparable at low 60's), higher attainable hardness, better edge stability, much better stain resistance

This is assuming good heat treat within usable ranges.

Magnacut is everything it was advertised as, a highly stainless steel with great edge stability and toughness/edge retention balance similar to V4E and cruwear (between 3V and CPM M4).

In a small blade where the toughness of Infi isn't needed, magnacut makes a lot of sense. In Battle mistress size territory, magnacut is likely not going to be the best choice for how Busse fans use their knives... for those that use them at least.

As far as magnacut being hyped up, sure. No more than infi was/is, probably even less.

If Busse comes out with a super nice heat treat for it, that would be awesome. Kinda like how CPK made 3V perform better than anyone else and Busse made 52100/SR101 perform marvelously.

I would prefer the swamp go for a better priced steel though, as magnacut isn't cheap and the swamp rats used to be a good value for materials and performance. SYKCO is winning that battle by a long shot right now, as long as you like basic designs and Res-C.
This is what happens when they leave us unsupervised for too long like this... what did anyone really expect to happen.. toast talk !!
On a serious note.. you opened a good debate dogboye dogboye and I learned/remembered some things. Don't apologize this is the purpose of open forums!! I for one thank you for post #112