Memorial Day GAW 2023


Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Nov 16, 2016
I'm really busy with the new family member this year so I'm recycling last year's GAW. The main difference is it will be anything I have in stock at the moment. I have some 24/7's, a bush camp, some MUK's, bush buddy, and sitreps. Pics to come later as I find time to get some.

In honor of those who have helped make this country great, I'm doing another give away this year. This time, I want it to be for the next generation of young men and women.

Rules: I want these to go to people 25 years or under, so from just getting into using a knife to just getting out there in life. I haven't 100% set on how I'm going to select "winners", it will either be 1st come 1st surprise or random selection if there are enough entries. I will use your post number as the random number selection. From there, people will get to pick what they want to take. If you end up down the list and there's nothing left that's suitable, feel free to pass and I'll see if the next person in line is interested. Previously, I only had about 10 entries into a GAW and I have more than 10 knives so I'm hoping there will be something useful for everyone.

Since this includes younger kids, parents will be their delegates so claim something for them. I'm fine with someone entering for someone else as long as you have some strong personal relationship with that person. If it's someone else's kid, please get their parent or guardian's approval. If you have multiple kids that means multiple entries.

This is limited to the USA forum members.

To Enter: Say you're in, or in for someone you know. If you have 2 kids you feel deserving of something special, please state that as well.

The GAW will end at midnight on Memorial Day, Eastern time.

I reserve the right to adjust rules if I missed something blatant. I will try to make this at the benefit of the entrants.

I will get a better display of what I have on offer later.

Thank you to those who served and sacrificed. Thank to those who supported those served. Thank you especially to those who didn't make it back home so that we could live free. We honor them by remembrance. We honor them by living our lives to the fullest.
Very generous!
Not an entry, just an update.
The neighbor kid who was a recipient a couple years ago is now an Eagle scout, plays football with the high school, will be a senior in the fall, and started his own lawn mowing service this month to help raise $$ for college.
Well I can't NOT throw in for a GKC for my 5 year old.
One Sunday, about 2 months ago now, Benjamin comes back from Sunday School with the following voucher for helping people.

I'll help you decode it-
hand, knife, piece of wood, heart.

So he was going to demonstrate his love for me by helping me to carve a piece of wood into a heart.
Just out of nowhere he came up with that great idea; I hadn't carved anything in a while.
I love knives and carving, so the thought was particularly meaningful.

Anyway- just figured a story might be nice to go along with the chance to win his first fixed blade.

Thanks for the generous giveaway!
Updated rules to limit winners to 3, last year I was giving away prototypes and test knives. Still have some of those so maybe those not selected will still get something, if they so choose.

Also, winners are selected by random selection using excel as my random number generator.
If I may, I'm entering on behalf of my daughter's boyfriend. He's moved in with us for a short while because of a bad family situation, but despite that background he's invariably kind, polite, helpful and has a good sense of humor.

He's super active, runs track, plays baseball, basketball, is on the bowling team and hikes and he just graduated today and giving him an outdoor hiking blade as a graduation present would be fantastic.
Awesome GAW! Love the idea of teaching our young ones about our hobby (safety first of course). My daughter is 2, and is already showing an interest in “Daddo’s” “Knayfes”. She wants to hold them, but she’s still a little to young. If she sees a knife in its sheath, “ohhh, Knayfe is sleeping!”. I figured I present her with her first knife when she’s around four. I’m in, thanks for the opportunity!
Awesome GAW! Love the idea of teaching our young ones about our hobby (safety first of course). My daughter is 2, and is already showing an interest in “Daddo’s” “Knayfes”. She wants to hold them, but she’s still a little to young. If she sees a knife in its sheath, “ohhh, Knayfe is sleeping!”. I figured I present her with her first knife when she’s around four. I’m in, thanks for the opportunity!

My 2 yr old daughter used a sharp knife to cut veggies with me about a month ago. I held the food and the front of the handle to control downward pressure and protect my fingers, but she did really well. My 4 yr old son hasn't used a sharp knife yet as he hasn't showed interest or self control at the same time yet. He has swung a hatchet with me though (mora axe is great for this, IMO).
My 2 yr old daughter used a sharp knife to cut veggies with me about a month ago. I held the food and the front of the handle to control downward pressure and protect my fingers, but she did really well. My 4 yr old son hasn't used a sharp knife yet as he hasn't showed interest or self control at the same time yet. He has swung a hatchet with me though (mora axe is great for this, IMO).
That’s awesome! My daughter turned 2 a few months ago, and has been using a plastic toy knife that came with her kitchen play set. She always runs up and shows it to me lol.
FYI, because I didn't think this thru very well, I'm asigning entrants a number based on the order they were received. That way, if someone has 2 entrees for 1 post, like in post 15, they get both kids entered. The kids are the winners, parents are just the proxy 😉.