Off Topic Not even a snark-wide pandemic can keep us down...

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It's a good forum. Lots of good ideas there.
Just like BCUSA, so I'm used to it.
Seems modern to me, but, wth do I know?
I've always had my screen set to 110% here anywhos. So much easier for me to read.
Idk why, but the look feels very 1995 to me?
That's what I was thinking.

I just got back from Church we did a food giveaway through farmers to families this was our first try. FDA provided the food the bring trucks to a pickup point we bring a truck they load how ever many pallets you ask for . We brought it back to our church we advertised some . This was a short notice thing. People came to the church was asked for a contact card but not required. We had people to pray with people if they want again not required then on around to where we loaded the food for them . We gave about half of what we got out at the church. Volunteers were given a box the reason for this was not only so it wouldn't go to waste, but if someone came to church or we went out and contacted them from the contact card. If anything was said we could say yeah we got it too it was good it was actually some good cheese and stuff in it so they wouldn't feel like it was how do I put this they will look down on. Then everybody loaded up a couple boxes for people in our neighborhoods that we knew that were needy. Then what was left a few of the guys at church were headed to a trailer park. Where most of the people are not as well off to hand off the rest of it. This program will reset this fall and we were just this was a trial run to see if we were able to be helpful to the people in our neighborhood. End of the day when you do stuff like this it's actually pretty fun getting to help people
I picked up playing guitar again after 5 years not playing this week. My fingers are hurting so much I can't even type correctly...
I limit myself to 30 min a day, but wow, it's amazing how much you can forget, when you don't play regularly.

Gonna nurse the blisters on my fingers now and hope it gets better soon... :)
I thought about joining there a couple years back when i was hiking and doing more bushcrafty things. I didnt know it was invite only though. Doesnt matter to me as long it lets people lurk. Most of the time i dont have much to say or i disagree with myself 5 minutes later. Or its already been said.
I signed up when we went down here the other day......
I was going through withdrawl, figured It could tide me over til we got back online.

little did I know, it would take a couple days before they'd approved Me?
Worst two days ever! hahah ;P
I thought about joining there a couple years back when i was hiking and doing more bushcrafty things. I didnt know it was invite only though. Doesnt matter to me as long it lets people lurk. Most of the time i dont have much to say or i disagree with myself 5 minutes later. Or its already been said.
It's not BCUSA I'm talking about. Yet another forum.
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