Off Topic Not even a snark-wide pandemic can keep us down...

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I only had very mild symptoms and if it hadn't been for losing my sense of smell and taste I never would have tbought I had it.

But here just over 4 months later my taste and smell is still messed up.

I still don't have all my taste and smell back. I got sick on the last day of October.

I tested positive for covid the beginning of January, never lost the sense of taste, but did lose smell... It came back some over the last month, but its still not back all the way.

I can live without the sense of smell... Dont take tasting away from me though LOL
Slice! Good to see you man!
You too buddy!

I had a severe sinus infection a couple years back, only after I lost my sense of taste and smell I figured something was wrong and went to the doctor. It was a very bizarre sensation lol. I had bought hibachi that usually really good!
it all tasted bland and over cooked. Then tried the sauce and was like, wth is wrong with these people? Lol.
Finally I was tasting and smelling other stuff then it finally hit me that I couldn’t smell or really taste anything.
that only lasted maybe a day, I couldn’t imagine a week, month, or more.
There are a lot of things that can affect your sense of taste/smell.

My brother lost his sense of taste when he had a root canal done. That was like 8 years ago and he still can;t taste food well. He's lost nearly 60# because he just doesn't eat as much.

The bad thing about loosing your sense of smeel is that you can miss out on danger signals - the rotten egg odor of leaking gas or the skunk aroung the corner.
I was a smoker for over 15 yrs. quit over 10 yrs ago. My taste buds are a lot better now than they were when i was a smoker but i still dont think they work all that great.
I smoked for 18 years myself. Quit in either 94 or 95. Smoked 2 packs a day when I quit.
Two packs a day for myself as well. I started very young.... the effect of having much older brothers to keep up with.
This thread is winding down.
I dunno, but that helped get it closer, haha.
Just pluckin' one (two now) for the team
Yup. Almost DONE.

I might get in on the 1st page of the new snark as well.... Been a while LOL

On the last stretch on my automotive program. Graduate June 18th. Doing engine performance now. Today we started going over how emissions effects performance. Not that exciting LOL

More excited to start the new welding program in the Fall. Have an old trailer here i want to use as my first welding project. rebuild it up as a dual purpose utility and kayak trailer. Its been used as a kayak trailer for the last 20 years, galvanized frame but with old wood frame and bunks... but i have a new vision for it.
I'm just going to leave this out here and see if it gets finished off by the weekend...
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