Order of KAI sign-up thread - OPEN SIGN-UP

Looks like I've got a LONG way to go.

I'm with ya, brother! Our time will come! I only have 9 points right now. I will have to get more ZT's...kind of hard to hide those from Household 6, though. ;)
I'm in. I'd like #42 if still available. I'm a geek and H2G2 fan.

Heh. Another Douglas Adams fan. That's the same reason I chose it. Anyway, if you want it, I'll cede the number to you on account of your contributions to this forum.

I'll take #12 if still available. It was my old uniform number from various sports I played in my youth. Not sure how I ended up with that number then, but I suspect, to quote Homer (not the Greek poet), "These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
I want to be a disciple under the Rule of KAI. My point count is 37, my point post is #16. I agree to the Kode of Konduct. I'm good with any number. Thanks
I'm in, I agree, and I may even whine about it a bit. :D I haven't begun counting and doubt I ever will, but just a rough guess would be somewhere near 150 points, give or take a dozen. As for a number, stick me behind Dave (kershawguy). Thanks!
I'm in. Not sure about when or how I'll get the time to get the count or take pics of everything, but I think many of you have seen quite a few of the pics. You should make it easier and block out some numbers for "family".
I'm in, my number really doesn't matter to me just the lowest one available when You get to me, i have enough points and can provide picture evidence sometime when im not at work.
I’m in. I posted my points in the other thread (I was post number 17)

if at all possible, i would like #618 or #0618 depending on how you do them.
I'm in, I agree to abide by the Kode of Konduct :D

I have 20.5 points, my post number from the points thread is #22.

I'd like #075 if possible, otherwise, don't matter.

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I'm in just from my post count and I would like #21.

I agree to follow the Order's kode of konduct.
Edit. looks like I'm short on the points by a few. I will reapply when I'm worthy:(
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Why not...I'm in. I don't care what number. It's going to take me a long time count.....a loooooong time.
Okay, I'm in. I'll take 0012 if that's okay. All this counting and adding is making my brain hurt. My points will be way less than Morrow, SPXTrader, and Kershawguy, but still fairly respectable. I think I score 12 points easily, though.
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Sweet - thanks Bobsig - number 18 it is!


OP has the list of members, if you got a number you are in. If not, it may be waiting on your point post or pics.