overpriced knives

What in the world does a knife being overpriced and hyped have to do with people wanting to sell them? Are you saying that because they were overpriced and did not live up to the hype that the owners were disappointed in them and that is why they are for sale? If so, I think that in some cases you are most certainly correct. In most cases however, I think the reasons for selling these knives are to free up cash so that other knives can be bought. I know that is the reason that I sell knives, and I think it is the reason a lot of other people do so as well. In some cases it is as simple as the seller just needs cash.
I'll try this one short and sweet :: If someone will pay what you want for the knife it will sell , if the so called hyped knife is not in demand you will see the price being cut many times on the for sale forum . I don't feel your question was out of line at all but I don't have that many post either just about $40,000 worth of knives .

hd2k_va: apparently you are a Harley guy, judging from your handle.Is your Harley overpriced???????? .If you bought it new from a dealer YOU PAID way too much.IMHO Been riding them for 46 years and definatly know about OVERPRICING.Try selling it for anything near what you paid for it.You nmay get lucky and find a fool willing to buy it.I have been around the HD scene for a long time and would not buy anything for over list price.Kind of the same with knives.Been collecting seriously for 30 + years.I do not impulse buy.A lot of guys do.
As life goes on "Water finds its level" and so do knife prices,HD prices,ect,ect.
Buy what you like,and make sure you like it when you purchase.
Randy(from high upon my pillar of wisdom)
I would say maybe rephrase your question.Maybe I'm reading into the post to much.My honest impression of the post was it was a comment/question type.I felt what you were trying to get at was the hyped up super knives were overpriced on the secondary market and perhaps they keep popping up with these overpriced/hyped knives on the forums.Did that make anysense?I don't know,but honestly it sounded like you were trying for an emotional response and got one.In fact your post sounded like you just had come from the F'S forums and was annoyed at these overpriced blades popping up for sale and what made people have the nerve to price them so high.Maybe I read into *hit too much.that was my impression though.Take Care,Ralph
It seems to me that he might be looking for someone to mention a specific company, and then harp on that company. Or he simly does not undstand basic economics. Few things ever gain value after they are sold as new. And if they do go up in value, it usually takes years and there is a reason for the increase in value. Such as the item is rare, or it was made by someone who later became famous, ect...
People (myself included) buy and sell knives most of the time becasue we do not have the money to simply buy everything we want. I have sold one knife to buy another because I wanted the 2nd one more than the 1st. And if I needed the money fast I might discount the price in order to move it. It is a personal decision based on what I need/want the money for.

Any knife by any maker is a relatively great deal compared to a large cup of coffee from Starbucks.., 'nough said! :)

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"
I started wondering about this while surfing the FS forum looking for nothing in particular. My last purchase there was for $250, and it wasn't one of the brands that appear frequently. It doesn't cut any better than my $40 Calypso Jr but it is beefier, better looking, and waaay cooler. I've been thinking about getting one for years and finally did. And, as KWM suggested, the seller was a student who needed some dough to get to the SHOT show.

On the other hand, I've bought one or two of the knives, new from a dealer, that frequently appear on the FS forum. They were definitely overpriced when new, at least I thought so upon receiving them and still do. I would never have bought them if not for threads singing their praises. Not that there was anything wrong with them, but they just weren't what their admirers said. But I used them. One served as a trunk/camping/chopping knife for a few years. Lost it, and replaced it with a similar knife I found in FS, but one of the brands that doesn't come up so often and was about 1/3 the price of the knife it replaced.

Anyway, I buy expensive knives and use them too. Some of them were worth what I paid and some were not. On the other hand, there seem to be a significant number of people who buy expensive knives and then try to sell them NIB. Some might be collectors or frequent traders, I understand that. But I would guess that a lot of them, maybe even the vast majority, are guys who shelled out way more retail dollars for a knife than it's worth and realized their mistake pretty soon after getting it. None of them are going to post a sale thread and say "I paid way too much for this thing, you wanna take it off my hands?", but when the same brands or models pop up over and over, well, I get the message.

Randy, one of my coworker got himself a Softail for Christmas, brand spankin' new from the dealer. I just smile when he says what a good deal he got. Two months later he's already saying that he should be able to sell it for what he paid. Hmmm ... this sounds a lot like the situation I see on the FS forums from time to time.
If i remember from economics class, stuff is worth what people are willing to pay. If i built the perfect knife, but for somereason people were only willing to pay $100 then it would be worth $100, even if i spent 400hrs making it and the materials were top notch. Thats just the nature of the beast.

the price of Knives is not based on performance, performance is an important aspect, but there is also, style, mystic, name, and personal preference, some knives may just speak to me.

ExamonLyf we call starbucks, fourbucks
Now hd2k_va, that last post cleared everything up for me. I agree with you that people have bought knives that they feel should have been better for the money they have spent. Many of them probably do sell these knives so that they can get something different. I know that I will not hold onto a knife that I am disappointed with.