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Bad Peakbagger46 - Knife Flipper

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Missed that, Need to make a serious edit. ATTENTION EVERYONE: Kettlemans been an inactive member since 2015 and he’s now returned to bring justice and balance to the community…🤣🤣🤣.
Attention: A Karen named John admits the guy is flipping but probably took a loss on a few knives.
Holy hell man, everyone is wound up pretty tight. It was a JOKE!!!

But since you made a direct command towards me, I’ll comment wherever the hell I want.

I did realize that and have edited my post according. I’m not generally like that.
Most of these convo on both sides has been well thought out and reasoned. However , I disagree with the "one of us" mindset.

A fine point ‘‘twas a poor choice of words and a cheap description on my part.
I understand everybody's point of view and why this is such an emotive subject.

Personally I don't like flippers and I think that anyone who is using Bladeforums as a stock room for his eBay shop, should have a BF dealer membership.


If transactions are conducted properly and no one has been scammed or conned or pressured into a sale who am I to comment on what another member does with his knives?
Once purchased he is entitled to do as he wants with his property.

As previously stated so eloquently by Blues Blues it's an extremely difficult thing to police if indeed it warrants policing.
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Guys, if this conversation is going to devolve into jumping in each other's stuff instead of acting like gentlemen, then you're inviting us to hand out warnings.

There's some good thoughts being expressed on various sides of the matter in this thread. Keep that going and leave off the insults.

Thanks in advance.
Guys, if this conversation is going to devolve into jumping in each other's stuff instead of acting like gentlemen, then you're inviting us to hand out warnings.

There's some good thoughts being expressed on various sides of the matter in this thread. Keep that going and leave off the insults.

Thanks in advance.
Thanks Blues. Guys I knew when I posted this it could get a bit excited. It’s fine we disagree but let’s continue the discussion
Guys, if this conversation is going to devolve into jumping in each other's stuff instead of acting like gentlemen, then you're inviting us to hand out warnings.

There's some good thoughts being expressed on various sides of the matter in this thread. Keep that going and leave off the insults.

Thanks in advance.

My apologies. Also to everyone in this thread or who reads it.
Thanks Blues. Guys I knew when I posted this it could get a bit excited. It’s fine we disagree but let’s continue the discussion
It's all good, C. I'm enjoying looking in from the outside, (somewhat), to take the measure of the various takes on the matter.

There's valid points being made...and that's a breath of fresh air when compared to a lot of the usual folderol.
No one needs to apologize. I know things get a bit warm at times. Keep it going.
There's valid points being made...and that's a breath of fresh air when compared to a lot of the usual folderol.

100% agree
No one needs to apologize. I know things get a bit warm at times. Keep it going.

I don't want to see anyone banned even if they are flipping, just for the proper rules to be followed that's why I even commented on here. I don't think anyone think's Peak is a bad guy or at least I don't it's not like he's shafting anyone by buying then selling on here.

Speaking of warm it's 102 here in Kansas City today.....oooof.

Got a few knives in today and the package in the mailbox was certifiably scorching.
It's a free country with a free and open enterprise system. I take offense with Emerson prod. knives being sold for more than what is listed on the web site but no one complains to much about that. The fella isn't selling on here and if he is and if he follows all the rules then folks should just relax a bit. The biggest suggestion is don't buy his knives plain and simple. I frankly keep very very few knives I purchase. Buy them to try them and keep the one's I want to keep and sell the others or give them away. just sayin

PS that is to say I couldn't sell water in a desert basically
Missed that, Need to make a serious edit. ATTENTION EVERYONE: Kettlemans been an inactive member since 2015 and he’s now returned to bring justice and balance to the community…🤣🤣🤣.
Kettleman has been a member for 6 months and is talking/stalking like an OG member from 2001. Love it, lol!!!!

Good for @Peakbagger46. He’s taking a calculated risk and he might make some money and I guarantee he’s lost money flipping this past year but that isn’t ever brought up in this debate, is it. Along with that, some members chiming in that he paid full asking price without even haggling and paid immediately. How do you know how much he has made or lost buying and selling knives after fees, shipping and taxes? I’ll go ahead and answer this one for you, you don’t know. He very well may need a dealer membership but I seriously doubt he’s doing anywhere close to the volume of a full time dealer like DLT or even a lower volume actual dealer.

I enjoy this community, its members and the conversations. Cheers to (almost) anyone who can make a little profit to somewhat offset the ridiculous cost of this addiction. 🤣🤣🤣

Seriously?! You again! The triggered laugh emoticon crybaby. What a big hypocrite you are. Of all the member's speaking up here, you've got to be thee most triggered, man-child I've come across during my entire tenure on this forum, any forum for that matter.

Super Mod Blues, tried his best to explain that there are only 4 highly over worked Mod's here....working their asses off, trying their absolute best to keep on top of all the problems they face here all day, every single day, 24/7 (an uphill unwinnable battle)...yet they have to deal with so many clueless, inconsiderate jackasses (like you), getting all worked up and triggered like some stupid Karen over a freaking laugh emoticon....To the point you're writing letter's TO THE F-ING OWNER, hitting the report tab hundred's of time....WASTING THESE MODERATOR'S, VALUABLE TIME!!!

And yet here you are, using the VERY childish laugh emoticon symbols ^^^ that so deeply offended/triggered you and hurt your little feeling. Everyone here know's exactly who you are: John Phillips, AKA- KAREN.

In case you need a refresher on your past actions (GBU thread YOU started here), I suggest your read this to refresh your memory:


No one needs to apologize. I know things get a bit warm at times. Keep it going.
I ran out of Wheaties....and ate my Teaties this morning.... so I apologize for this hormonal imbalance/hot flashes I've been experiencing all day.

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Seriously?! You again! The triggered laugh emoticon crybaby. What a big hypocrite you are. Of all the member's speaking up here, you've got to be thee most triggered, man-child I've come across during my entire tenure on this forum, any forum for that matter.

Super Mod Blues, tried his best to explain that there are only 4 highly over worked Mod's here....working their asses off, trying their absolute best to keep on top of all the problems they face here all day, every single day, 24/7 (an uphill unwinnable battle)...yet they have to deal with so many clueless, inconsiderate jackasses (like you), getting all worked up and triggered like some stupid Karen over a freaking laugh emoticon....To the point you're writing letter's TO THE F-ING OWNER, hitting the report tab hundred's of time....WASTING THESE MODERATOR'S, VALUABLE TIME!!!

And yet here you are, using the VERY childish laugh emoticon symbols ^^^ that so deeply offended/triggered you and hurt your little feeling. Everyone here know's exactly who you are: John Phillips, AKA- KAREN.

In case you need a refresher on your past actions (GBU thread YOU started here), I suggest your read this to refresh your memory:

View attachment 2267874

I ran out of Wheaties....and ate my Teaties this morning.... so I apologize for this hormonal imbalance/hot flashes I've been experiencing all day.

View attachment 2267888
....... you missed Blues Blues saying to (and I paraphrase here) leave the person jibes out and discuss the topic....it's only a page ago.
KELAMA KELAMA you make some great points but am I the only person in America that is tired of the word "Karen" it is the most overused childish thing I've heard since "I know you are, but what am I". Really brings any quality s@#$ talking down to a kindergarten level at best

Other than that keep swinging away 👊
We're done here fellas.

(If you want a community...treat it like a community...where each member shares responsibility for the whole.)
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